Frequency range::26-30 MHz;Power Range:10/100/1000 Watt;Impedance::50 ohm;RF connector:: M / SO239 type;Type::handheld;Functions::Forward power, SWR ratio;manufacturer:Made in Taiwan;Place of Origin:TW;Brand Name:NISSEI;Model Number:RS-27;Measuring Curr
dear friends and family members to the disease,and want to do my little part to help find a (26) C."I'll bring you some money when I come back from the mall,"I(27) Athe young boy."Thank you!"he smiled and(28) Dinto a big tissue.I did my shopping a...
2021-12-01 16:47来源:汕尾广播电视台发布机构:汕尾广播电视台【字体:大中小】打印