Thomas Finholm
magic sword lent by Wittich to Siegfried. [Norse. Myth.: Wheeler, 244] Mordure Arthur’s all-powerful sword, made by Merlin. [Br. Lit.:Faerie Queene] Morglay Bevis’s sword. [Br. Lit.:Bevis of Hampton] Murgleys Ganelon’s sabre. [Fr. Lit.:The Song of Roland] ...
15.Theswordand mace were favourite weapons for hand-to-hand fighting. 和狼牙棒是肉搏战的最佳武器。 16.Theirswordssmoked with blood. 他们的 冒着血腥气。 17.He girded hisswordon. 他佩带上他的。 18.When the soldiers had used up all their ammunition, they went on fighting with theirswords....
The Soul Edge was forged in the distant past as a regular sword, but it gained a malevolent will of its own after being bathed in blood and hatred. From that point, anyone who used the sword was pushed the brink of insanity as an evil spirit invaded their mind like a parasite. The ...
to break Durandal against a stone to prevent it falling into the hands of the Saracens; however, the magic blade was unbreakable (fortified as it was by a thread from the cloak of the Virgin Mary, a tooth of St. Peter, a hair of St. Denys, and a drop of St. Basil's blood)...
But, if you needed some teeth, drops of blood, or slivers of bone from abona fidecanonized saint, you can get one from the comfort of your computer or mobile device; no need to risk a pilgrimage andfurta sacra(sacred theft) or deal with dodgy abbots, palmers, pardoners, or other relig...
Blood, Use of Alcohol, Violence Ratings Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon Global player ratings 4.21Average rating 4.21 stars out of five stars from 33 ratings 33 ratings 55% 30% 3% 6% 6% Game and Legal Info From the makers of Awesomenauts comes the action-packed side-scrolling real-time ...
I slung the dark blood from it and stepped back, clearing the air before my face. And then I saw what I had gambled and prayed and bargained I wouldn’t: the same peculiar arrowhead that had been buried in my former boot heel. I flung it away, risked one last glance at the dead ...
Centuries ago nomads found a cave and felt drawn to perform their death rites to dark gods within its confines. Years of ritualistic blood offerings to malevolent forces has fed demons deep below the cave. The nomads have long since disappeared, but a recent earth tremor has freed the demon ...
4% ❌ ❌ 50 Dropped by the Eater of Souls, Devourer, Crimera, Face Monster, and Blood Crawler. Terra Blade Internal Item ID: 757 85 /95 /88 18 (Very fast) / 16 (Very fast) 6.5 (Strong) 4% ✔️ ✔️ 20 Crafted: : + + ( @ /...