Anyway, for most beginners - even a simple $10.00 hardwood bokken such as these ones are good enough to do the job. After some time with a bokken, the student typically graduates to practicing with an iaito - or non sharpened Katana (though some schools skip the bokken entirely and go ...
whether you are fencers, WMA-ers, JSA-ers, backyard cutters, etc. to come train at my school, and I wish the feeling was mutual, but for some organizations it is not. We are a brotherhood, so stand united rather than fight over petty differences...
The Sidney Hillman Foundation seeks to shed light on some of the greatest issues of our time: such as finding a stable basis for global peace, increasing access to housing, medical care and employment security for all, advocating civil liberties and democracy as well as combatting race or relig...
WMAW is where most of the instructors and senior students in the historical martial arts movement (and some lucky beginners) go to learn and teach and hit each other with swords (or spears, knives, cudgels, sticks, fists, or throws. Also pole axes, pikes, partisans, and probably pretzels....