sword [sɔ:d],n.剑,刀; 武力,战争; 兵权,权力;the sword of.表示…的剑;霍格沃茨共分四个学院,分别是格兰芬多(Gryffindor),赫奇帕奇(Hufflepuff),拉文克劳(Ravenclaw),斯莱特林(Slytherin)。
戈德里克·格兰芬多的名字被刻在刚好低于剑柄的位置。 The sword was made to Godric Gryffindor's specifications by Ragnuk the First, finest of the goblin silversmiths, and therefore King (in goblin culture, the ruler does not work less than the others, but more skillfully). When it was finished,...
原链接: The Sword of Gryffindor - Pottermore 格兰芬多的宝剑在一千年多前由妖精制成。这些魔法世界最善于铸造金属的生物对它施以魔法。剑身由纯银铸成,剑柄镶嵌有红宝石——它们在计量学院分数的沙漏中代表格兰芬多。戈德里克·格兰芬多之名铭刻于剑柄下方。 宝剑由最好的妖精银匠雷格纳克(Ragnuk),后来的妖精种族的...
Download:for sale Website:MyMiniFactory Download:free Website:Printables add to list order this print TagsThe Sword of Gryffindor Download:free Website:Thingiverse add to list order this print The Sword of Gryffindor Download:free Website:Thangs ...
Sword Of Gryffindor - Fan Art for cosplay3D Model for 3D printingFormat file : STLSize: 1:1 Scale1 versions for printing: 8 partsLet's follow images step by step to connect themThe file is for personal use only, don't share files or redistributeThis is p
The Sword of Gryffindor The Sword of Gryffindor Summon a random fact file Back to all Fact Files
This was the foundation for the false legend of Gryffindor’s theft that persists, in some sections of the goblin community, to this day. 妖精王被吓坏了,他逃离格兰芬多身边,说格兰芬多占有了他的合法财产,并至死都为此愤愤不平。这是格兰芬多偷窃的虚假传言的源头,直至今日,在妖精中仍有这种传言。 The...
The Sword of Gryffindor - Pottermore 格兰芬多的宝剑在一千年多前由妖精制成。这些魔法世界最善于铸造金属的生物对它施以魔法。剑身由纯银铸成,剑柄镶嵌有红宝石——它们在计量学院分数的沙漏中代表格兰芬多。戈德里克·格兰芬多之名铭刻于剑柄下方。 宝剑由最好的妖精银匠雷格纳克(Ragnuk),后来的妖精种族的国王(在妖...