It also places a high value on truth and integrity in personal relationships. It does, certainly, treat the reader as a mature person…”(1969). Serraillier’s concern that The Silver Sword was not to be seen as glorifying violence is echoed here: adult themes are present for a reason,...
Kyoto: 50 Things to Do, Places to Visit, Hotels, and Travel Tips Kyoto Solo Travel In Japan - Tips On Where To Go, Things To Do, And Safety Basic Information Himeji Day Trip - Travel To A Castle Town With Nature And Temples Hyogo Okayama and Kurashiki Travel Guide: Sightseeing, Lo...
"Simmone, I am leaving for a bit. We need some more brews. You care to come with? " Sam's eyes never leave the paper as she tries to decide who would come with. Freya would be an asset to help kill the apes that will be present. The book slams shut as she places it in a ...