Metezashi (right hand use) is a short sword stuck in the girdle behind, the hilt to the right, used in fighting if the wearer be thrown and unable to draw the swords on the left side of the girdle. Aikuchi is a short dirk without a guard, worn by doctors, artists, and those w...
Bandits are either samurai who have grown weary of the warrior's way or farmers fighting to stay alive. They, too, are born in war. They draw their strength from cunning, and this emboldens them to run amok across across the land. But when war ends and peace is restored, the source ...
In fact, near every girl can follow suit via either marrying a man in a sword wielding class, befriending a girl in such a class, or inheriting them from one of her parents (if a second gen girl) Fire Emblem: Three Houses also has the Female Avatar, Byleth Eisner, as one. Plus ...
In Japanese history, the changes in fighting styles on the battlefield were often reflected by changes in the type of weapon used. Perhaps the most commonly known sword is the katana. The katana rose to ascension during the Edo period (1603-1868), when it's thought that the beauty and qu...
Historically, a Chinese sword is classified into two types, jian and dao. Jians are straight swords, while daos are single-edged swords and mostly curved from the Song dynasty forward. The jian has been translated as a long sword, while the dao has been
stopped in chapter 2705 and this was in end of the last year, so it'll take a while to see this guild's epic quest and a lot of things, like the quest about that man who cursed Shi Feng and the actual war that Zero Wing is fighting, it's basically Zero Wing against a lot of...
“decent fencing club” most likely has a beginning class, and an instructor who has been fencing for at least a decade. Ok, so you want to learn longsword – that is admirable - but there is no longsword group near you – like 90% of us. At this point, I see many beginners ...
As far as the name Warlords goes, I made that the surname because in this game you will be doing tons upon tons of fighting with all types of troops. So your not just a lord your a WarLord. Lords rule there people most of there lives while a Warlord can do both. ...
In early October, the Afghan war will be 17 years old, a milestone that has loomed with grim inevitability as the fighting has continued without a clear exit strategy across three presidential administrations. With this anniversary, prospective recruits born after the terrorist attacks of 2001 will...
specimens half this size are considered large. Swordfish were formerly harpooned commercially but now are taken using long lines with multiple baited hooks. Conservation efforts are underway to rebuild depleted stocks. Swordfish are classified in the phylumChordata, subphylum Vertebrata, class Actinopterygi...