The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection features the largest roster of SAO playable characters and sub scenarios! Based on SWORD ART ONLINE’s War of Underworld anime arc, a new story unfolds with tough challenges that await our beloved hero, Kirito, and his new...
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Release Date: October 27, 2016 Platforms: PS Vita, PS4, Windows, Switch Next up on our list of Sword Art Games in order is Hollow Realization, an action RPG that takes the series’ story in a new direction. This includes a cast of four main characte...
Set in Underworld, an expansive world introduced in the SWORD ART ONLINE anime, Kirito sets out on adventure in the series' latest RPG! Enjoy seamless, action-packed real-time battles using a combination of sword skills, sacred arts, and your favorite SAO characters! Kirito meets a boy named...
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SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream is an exciting new start as we depart from the 10th anniversary of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series!
SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET 369,00 kr55,35 kr+ -85 % Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai - Digital Deluxe Edition 679,00 kr339,50 kr+ -50 % SYNDUALITY Echo of Ada Ultimate Edition Pre-Order 1.099,00 kr+FÖRBESTÄLL CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION 639...
Includes 1300 SAO Medals. Use SAO Medals. to exchange for various costumes and items from the SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream in-game shop. Use of this content requires the full version of the game sold separately. SAO Medals are consumed in the or
Sword Art Online Kirito's Dark Repulser Sword-HK-8288 Twiggy's Price $115.49 Our Sale Price $57.75 A savings of50% Newest Thundercats Sword of Omens-Hk8896CU Twiggy's Price $89.99 Our Sale Price $45.00 A savings of50% Light Green/Beige Bahamas Palm Tree Rug 2318A ...
SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream Deluxe Edition Pre-Order Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc. 12+ Moderate Violence, Sex, Mild Swearing In-Game Purchases The Deluxe Edition includes SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream, Character Pass Vol.1, and the Prism Heart Costume Set. SWORD A...
Kirito and Asuna from Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Scherzo of Deep Night are now available as a set of two figures! Each figure comes with a base. Display them together to add a stirring scene to your collection! Order them today! [Figure