The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection features the largest roster of SAO playable characters and sub scenarios! Based on SWORD ART ONLINE’s War of Underworld anime arc, a new story unfolds with tough challenges that await our beloved hero, Kirito, and his new...
The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection features the largest roster of SAO playable characters and sub scenarios! Based on SWORD ART ONLINE’s War of Underworld anime arc, a new story unfolds with tough challenges that await our beloved hero, Kirito, and his new...
Add to Cart Online play optional 1 player Remote Play supported PS5 Version Vibration function supported (DualSense wireless controller) Sex, Violence, Virtual Romance/Marriage Ratings SWORD ART ONLINE Last Recollection - Black Swordsman Swords Skins Set (Chinese/Korean Ver.) ...
Вигре Last Recollection, кульминационнойчастисерии SWORD ART ONLINE, васждетсамоебольшоевистории SAO количествоигровыхперсонажейивариантовразвитиясобытий!
¡La culminación de la serie de juegos de SWORD ART ONLINE, Last Recollection, llega con el mayor plantel de personajes jugables de SAO y escenarios secundarios! Llega una nueva historia basada en el arco War of Underworld del anime SWORD ART ONLINE, con duros desafíos para nuestro queri...
The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection features the largest roster of SAO playable characters and sub scenarios! Based on SWORD ART ONLINE’s War of Underworld anime arc, a new story unfolds with tough challenges that await our beloved hero, Kirito, and his new...
¡Last Recollection, la culminación de la serie de juegos de SWORD ART ONLINE, trae consigo la plantilla de personajes jugables de SAO más grande de todas y varios escenarios secundarios! Basada en la Guerra por el Underworld del animé SWORD ART ONLINE, esta nueva historia se desarrolla...
This is a demo for SWORD ART ONLINE Last Recollection. Players are able to experience the opening chapter of the game on this demo. Save data from the demo can be carried over to the retail version. The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection features the largest...
本产品为《刀剑神域 异绊集结》内追加的全新故事、迷宫以及服装等等之下载内容。 ¥ 38.00 刀剑神域 异绊集结 - 《黑色剑士》武器外观5入套组 2023 年 11 月 9 日 可在游戏中更换武器种类“单手直剑”的外观。 ¥ 128.00 刀剑神域 异绊集结 - SAO历代游戏系列战斗BGM集&数位美术书&数位原声带...
来个1.10呗 ,楼主