The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection features the largest roster of SAO playable characters and sub scenarios! Based on SWORD ART ONLINE’s War of Underworld anime arc, a new story unfolds with tough challenges that await our beloved hero, Kirito, and his new...
The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection features the largest roster of SAO playable characters and sub scenarios! Based on SWORD ART ONLINE’s War of Underworld anime arc, a new story unfolds with tough challenges that await our beloved hero, Kirito, and his new...
The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection features the largest roster of SAO playable characters and sub scenarios! Based on SWORD ART ONLINE’s War of Underworld anime arc, a new story unfolds with tough challenges that await our beloved hero, Kirito, and his new...
Sword Art Online Timeline Previous The Author Reki Kawahara is the Japanese author of the light novel series Sword Art Online and Accel World. Both have been adapted into anime. Learn more The Anime - Season 1 Trapped in a deadly virtual world, beta tester Kirito and a knight named Asuna...
Reki Kawahara is the Japanese author of the light novel series Sword Art Online and Accel World. Both have been adapted into anime. Learn more The Anime - Season 1 Trapped in a deadly virtual world, beta tester Kirito and a knight named Asuna, must team up to get back to the real worl...
Xbox One Xbox Series X|S Fonctionnalités Mode coopératif en ligne (2-4) Jeu multijoueur en ligne (2-8) Xbox One X Enhanced SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET SAO Costume and Weapon Pack 1,98 € Modules complémentaires inclusSWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET SAO ASUNA COSTUME & SILVER GUN...
The SAO series finally arrives on Nintendo Switch! "SWORD ART ONLINE: Hollow Realization Deluxe Edition" features the main game, as well as the additional content "Abyss of the Shrine Maiden" and the large-scale update "Warriors of the Sky!" ...
1 player Remote Play supported PS5 Version Vibration function supported (DualSense wireless controller) Language, Mild Blood, Suggestive Themes, Violence In-Game Purchases, Users Interact Editions: Deluxe Edition SWORD ART ONLINE Fractured Daydream ...
And where will fate lead them? The adventure started in 'Infinity Moment' continues in Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment! Traverse floor after floor of a grand dungeon in an online fantasy world while meeting lifelong friends and unforgettable characters from the hit anime series!
"Get the full SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET experience with the Complete Edition which includes the main game, three DLC packs, the ""Dissonance of the Nexus"" Expansion, and bonus in-game items! Your choices are heavier and faster than a bullet. Create your own character ...