Sword Art Online is an anime series that follows protagonist Kirito as he and thousands of others become trapped in a virtual reality MMORPG where death in the game means death in real life. Kirito must navigate this perilous and immersive world to find a way to escape, facing numerous challe...
Watch Sword Art Online Full Episodes Online. Instantly find any Sword Art Online full episode available from all 4 seasons with videos, reviews, news and more!
Sword Art Online: Progressive - Aria of a Starless Night (2021) Miku Itou Frenica 1 Kamen Rider Jeanne & Kamen Rider Aguilera with Girls Remix (2022) Hisao Egawa Sadore 1 Engine Sentai Go-onger (2008) Ryôta Suzuki Renly's friend 1 Kaguya-sama: Love is War (2019) Ris...
A misleading plot summary that outright missed out on blatant plot points for the sake of an unfunny running gag, constant digs at Blazblue's writing that wasn't funny the first 9 squintillion times they did it, I get that the researcher for that episode nearly had a stroke tryi...