Sword Art Online: Created by Reki Kawahara. With Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Haruka Tomatsu, Bryce Papenbrook, Cherami Leigh. In the year 2022, thousands of people get trapped in a new virtual MMORPG and the lone wolf player, Kirito, works to escape.
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Romance is a common theme in Isekai anime, and here are the best romances to date. Then came Lost Song, Hollow Realization, and Accel World VS Sword Art Online. Each game had something that initially interested me. Lost Song and Hollow Realization in particular showed that the combat mechan...
Alicization >Sub Arc One: Human Empire >Sub Arc Two: War of the Underworld Question Title * 5. What genres would you associate with Sword Art Online? (Click all that apply) Action Adventure Comedy Drama Harem Horror Psychological Romance Slice of Life Supernatural/Magic Ot...
Sword Art Online Wiki is a database of SAO world characters, guilds, swords, and monsters that anyone can contribute to.
And that’s all before considering the guard, dodge button, and the ability to switch characters in the middle of fights. All in all, it certainly reminded me more of the Aincrad days of theSword Art Onlinegames while having the aesthetic of the recentAlicization Lycoris, for better and for...
lack of effective tutorials, and general tedium present throughout the whole experience. We’d give Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization a recommendation overall – this is a good, quality RPG – just make sure you do a bit of research in advance to confirm that it’s what you’re looking...
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycorisstarts off slow.Real slow. So slowly that at the time of this writing, my in-game clock tells me I’ve been playing for nearly 25 hours, yet I’m not very far past the game’s first main story chapter. Those hours began when Kirito woke up in ...
Sword Art Online: Creato da Reki Kawahara. Con Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Haruka Tomatsu, Bryce Papenbrook, Cherami Leigh. Nell'anno 2022, migliaia di persone vengono intrappolate in un nuovo MMORPG virtuale e il giocatore solitario Kirito cerca di fuggire.
Sword Art Online: Creato da Reki Kawahara. Con Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Haruka Tomatsu, Bryce Papenbrook, Cherami Leigh. Nell'anno 2022, migliaia di persone vengono intrappolate in un nuovo MMORPG virtuale e il giocatore solitario Kirito cerca di fuggire.