Set in the expansive "Underworld" featured in the Sword Art Online anime, the player assumes the role of Kirito, who sets off for adventure in this RPG. The battles are seamless. Use sword attacks, skills, sacred arts, and party chain attacks to defeat enemies in intense, real-time battle...
What is the age rating of SWORD ART ONLINE: Fatal Bullet? Can I play SWORD ART ONLINE: Fatal Bullet on Steam Deck? What PC hardware do I need to play SWORD ART ONLINE: Fatal Bullet? SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL BULLET - COMPLETE EDITION ...
3.76Average rating 3.76 stars out of 5 stars from 1560 ratings 1560 ratings 54% 11% 11% 7% 17% This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4™ version and the digital PS5™ version of this game.The culmination of the SWORD ART ONLINE game series, Last Recollection ...
Age rating for: Coordenação de Classificação Indicativa Title: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Ambush of the Imposters Genre: Action, RPG Developer: DIMPS Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Franchise: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Release Date:...
Agilis a character from the AnimeSword Art Online. They have been indexed asMale Adult with Brown eyes and Brown hair. TraitAppearsOfficial GenderMale Eye ColorBrown Hair ColorBrown Hair LengthNo Hair Apparent AgeAdult Animal EarsNo View characters with same traits. ...
Age rating for: PEGI Title:SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris - Blooming of Forget-me-not Genre:Action,Adventure,Massively Multiplayer,RPG Developer:AQURIA Co., Ltd. Publisher:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Franchise:BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Heathcliffis a character from the 动画Sword Art Online. They have been indexed as男性 成人 with 灰色 eyes and 灰色 hair that is 齐肩 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别男性 眼睛的颜色灰色 头发颜色灰色 头发长度齐肩 Apparent Age成人 猫耳No
M is a character from the Anime Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online. They have been indexed as Male Adult with Black eyes and Black hair that is To Ears length. TraitAppearsOfficial Gender Male Eye Color Black Hair Color Black Hair Length To Ears Apparent Age Adult Animal...
Age Range 8 to 13 Years, 14 Years & up Gender Unisex Model Number JT6592 Brand Name JT Color Black Theme SAO 2 Alfheim Online(ALO) Character Konno Yuuki Product Name Zekken(Absolute Sword) Overall with Scabbard 41.3"(105cm) Business Type ...
Age Range 2 to 4 Years, 5 to 7 years, 8 to 13 Years, 14 Years & up Gender Unisex Model Number SM Product Name anime Cosplay Wooden Dual Blades Swords Color Black / Blue Length 105--110cm Anime Figure Sword Art Online / Kirito Usage Cosplay / Anime Party / Collection Function Kids ...