(Pathology) a swelling of the lymph nodes, usually caused by inflammation associated with a viral infection such as rubella Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
Infection (lymphadenitis):This can increase the number of white blood cells, which multiply in response to stimulation with a foreign substance (antigen). Swollen lymph nodes under the arm (in the armpit) can occur due to infection or injury to the arm or hand. Some infections (mononucleosisor...
In your case there is no chance of getting HIV, so please do not be worried.Even herpes can be ruled out, but anyway you will get the results soon.Now with sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes, it definitely is due to mono, which is highly contagious. But again you will have ...
Parents are concerned about swollen lymph nodes in their children's necks or scalps. Most of the time, these are normal. Occasionally, they ...
Can you get swollen lymph nodes under your arm after the COVID-19 vaccine? Your lymph nodes swell when they're fighting an infection. So when you get the COVID-19 vaccine, it's possible your body will react similarly and the lymph nodes under the arm that was injected will swell tempor...
Swollen lymph nodes don’t usually require medical treatment. Usually, your swollen glands should clear up after a few weeks. However, if your swollen glands don’t return to their normal size after the infection is treated, you must see your doctor. ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus Medical Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to swollen:Swollen gums,Swollen lymph nodes swol·len (swō′lən) v. A past participle ofswell. adj. 1.Expanded by or as if by internal pressure; distended:a swollen toe. ...
After that I was still feeling bad but the doctor said the infection was gone, and that it was a matter of time for my lymph nodes to go back to normal. A few weeks later a node in my armpit got swollen and also one in my groin. My gynecologist said it was because I was PMSi...
Often, swollen lymph nodes occur when you develop a problem such as an infection, tumor, or an injury near or in the lymph nodes. And knowing the location of the swollen lymph nodes may help to identify the problem. Generally, the glands under the jaw, behind the ears, or on the side...
Inflammation is your immune system’s response to injury, infection, or disease. It can be acute (short term) or chronic (long term). Some everyday activities may increase your risk of edema and inflammation, such as standing or sitting too long and eating high salt foods. That said, some...