The doctors all say its just a salivary gland and that it's coincidence and i'm weaker on the left sinus and more prone to infections. They've put me on countless antibiotics that never helped a bit. It's like having a cold with a puffy throat on one side all the time. Do you ...
7 year old corgie, swollen glands in neck, possible swelling in abdominal area near hind quarters, loose stool, poor appetite, lethargyDr. Marie replied:Oh, I am sorry to hear that Jack is not feeling well. It sounds like the glands you are describing in his neck are swollen lymph ...
5. However, his neck and arms were swollen and red. 衣红摸著风不惧肿成一个圆球、五官不分的脸,奇的是左非右脸上乾乾净净的,大概是化了妆的关系,但颈上、手上也是一片红肿。 6. He was nothing to look at that day, I can tell you. His lower lip was swelled up so big it looked like...
There are many possible causes of cheek swelling and soreness on one side of the face. Some are benign and some can be serious. Common causes for your cheek to be swollen and sore on one side include dental abscess, injury to the face, benign fatty tumor
my 4 month old male cat, desexed vaccinated and everything one more shot to go tho. His neck is really swollen, it started of like it was a swollen gland but it has gotten bigger and is travelling around under his neck, its like soft but alot of pressure is under there. I cant ge...
I do have a question I have had swelling in the feet and hands from birth and I have been to a lot of doctors even to UVA and no one can tell me a reason of what and why it is going on? The most I have been told is I could have milroys des. I have tried lying down and...
A child or adolescent who has hypothyroidism may have one or more of the following symptoms: fatigue decreased heart rate progressive hearing loss weight gain problems with memory and concentration depression goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) muscle pain or weakness ...
Hypothyroidism, or "underactive thyroid," means that the thyroid gland in the neck does not produce enough of its hormones. This causes a slowing of the body's metabolism. The condition can occur due to autoimmune disease; any surgery or radiation treatment to the thyroid gland; some medication...
I've had a swollen left gland in my neck for about a week now, makes it hard to eat and talk, I just got a weird sensation in my right arm that is making it feel really heavy and tingly, along with headaches situated just in the temple, and ear aches, this is the most pain/an...
generalized condition throughout the body. Some groups of lymph nodes are more likely to become swollen, like those of the neck, axilla (armpits) and groins. It is important to differentiated between a firm and rubbery lymph node from one that is hard as this can indicate different ...