The first thing that we worry about when a dog has a swollen hock (ankle joint) is that he has injured the joint somehow. However, if it was a minor sprain, then it really should be better after the 10 days of anti-inflammatories. If it is not better by now, then it means that...
Species: Dog Breed: Chocolate Lab Age: 2-5 years I have a 3 year old chocolate lab. He is very active. His right hind leg has a swollen "ankle." I've noticed this before but it didn't seem to bother him. He would walk on it just fine. Now he's exercising (plays fetch) more...
My Dad's left ankle has been swelling and he has pain in the back of his left calf. He went to a clinic last night and the Dr could not feel any blood clots. He had no clue as to what this could be. He drew blood but won't have results for a few days. Any ideas? He is...
Many issues can cause swelling in the knee joint. Here’s how to relieve knee pain and swelling so you can feel better, according to physical therapists.