Her eyes were half swollen closed at the worse, and there were large bumps on her head above her eyes. Earlier today, the swelling wasn't as severe, and we gave her 4 low dosage aspirin. The swelling went down considerably, sierra vomited and the swelling started to come back. We gave...
Bacterial infections on your scalp could be a reason for swollen occipital lymph nodes. An infection on your scalp will cause toxins and debris to drain through the lymph nodes at the back of your head. The swelling is caused by white blood cells from your nodes destroying the infected cells...
I do have a question I have had swelling in the feet and hands from birth and I have been to a lot of doctors even to UVA and no one can tell me a reason of what and why it is going on? The most I have been told is I could have milroys des. I have tried lying down and...
Bump bump bump Bump bump bump When the roof come tumblin' down You know we the cause of that I'mma go down In history as some kinda alien rhymer Who blew up the planet then left in a space liner And took all the b***hes with him and then hit em My man Nucleus provi...
My cats right inner ear just started turning like bruised, black & blue. Inner ear, whole ear & around the opening on the head. Its not ear mites! Ive cleaned t...
I suffer from swollen eyelids quite often. Sometimes problem get severe and sometimes it's just a bump full of puss on eye. Should I go for allergy test? Asked for Male, 23 Years73Viewsv Dr. Anshu AroraOphthalmologist|Noida Get your eyesight checked and get your blood sugars checked...Re...
Did you get hit in the head? Any fever today or during the last week? Were you hit or injured anywhere on your face? If so, where? Self-diagnose with our freeBuoy Assistantif you answer yes on any of these questions. Associate Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital ...
Sometimes problem get severe and sometimes it's just a bump full of puss on eye. Should I go for allergy test? Asked for Male, 23 Years 72 Views Dr. Anshu AroraOphthalmologist | Noida Get your eyesight checked and get your blood sugars checked ... Read More My daughter's (3yrs old...
Superglue for dog's wound.He had a cut on his leg from broken glass fairly deep but not long, nor puncture. I...(29454 views) Bump under eye - tooth abscessMy dog has had an abscess on her face for a while, under her eye, but it hasn't...(20316 views) ...
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