You can puch or massage on your neck where it is swollen or under your tongue to relieve the pressure. As far as I know there is no procedure to get rid of it. I have heard of surgery to correct it. Find a reputable ENT Doctor in your area to discuss it with. Good Luck!
back when I was in middle school I would randomly have an area of my body swell up... at first it was just something small, the side of my tongue, a part of one of my lips... then it just went away. Two years later it came back with a vengeance. About once a week during ...
potentially occluding the airway. The patient may complain of pain or drooling and will often be leaning forward in the “sniffing position” to maximize the airway patency. The best place to look to confirm this diagnosis is under the tongue in the floor of ...
Lip swelling occurs when the blood vessels in the lip area become more leaky than usual, causing fluid to accumulate in places that it typically would not. Normally the walls of blood vessels form a tight barrier that keeps fluid from escaping; however, in cases of irritation or trauma to t...
(pronounced sigh-aloe-seal and mew-ko-seal respectively), is an accumulation (or pouch) of saliva in the tissue due to a rupture in a salivary duct or salivary gland. These are most commonly discovered as squishy swelling under the jaw or the tongue. They are not typically very painful ...
Symptoms that always occur with cellulitis:facial redness, area of skin redness Urgency:Primary care doctor Angioedema Angioedemais a condition which can cause swelling and puffiness of the face, mouth, tongue, hand or genitals. It is often related to an allergic reaction to food, medicines or ...
I always get a swollen tongue when I get a sinus infection although I don't know why. Thankfully it has never gotten so swollen that it would prevent me from eating or breathing. I haven't done much to treat the swelling because it goes away when I treat my sinus infection with antib...
The antiseptic and antibacterial properties found in honey can be effective in reducing the swelling of the gums. It helps to inhibit the bacteria growth in the mouth. To use honey for swollen gums relief, you just need to apply some honey onto your affected area when brushing. By doing it...
Lymph nodes are generally in groups or chains along the paths of the larger lymphatic vessels throughout the body and each group drains a specific area of your body, but are absent in the central nervous system. Figure 1 shows the major locations of lymph nodes. You may be more likely to...
Therefore, he incresed my antibiotics and prescribed Amoxicilling 825 mg, ibuprfen 800 mg for the pain and lidocaine to num the area. The lidocaine only worked for about 30 minutes. Finally, nine (9) days after initially seeing the urgent care doctor, I started to feel better. My ears...