生活满意度(Satisfaction With Life Scale,简称 SWLS)。Pavot & Diener (1993) 提出个体对生活的满意程度,属于主观幸福感的一种,生活满意度与生活质量的概念相似, 强调心理上生活水平对人们的意义,Pavot & Diener 提出的生活满意度较强调总体性,以 因应个体在不同时间与空间时,对生活满意标准不同的状况,也有...
转格式 245阅读文档大小:394.38K3页knee3non75上传于2020-07-22格式:PDF 生活满意度量表SWLS.doc 热度: 生活满意度量表 热度: 生活满意度量表lsr 热度: SatisfactionWithLifeScale(Pavot&Diener,1993)SatisfactionWithLifeScale(Pavot&Diener,1993)SatisfactionWithLifeScale(Pavot&Diener,1993)SatisfactionWithLifeScale...
Using the 1 - 7scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by placing theappropriate number on the line preceding that item. Please be open and honestin your responding.•••••••7 - Strongly agree6 - Agree5 - Slightly agree4 - Neither agree nor disagree3 - ...
生活满意度Satisfaction With Life Scale,简称SWLS。Pavot Diener 1993 提出个体对生活的满意程度,属于主观幸福感的一种,生活满意度与生活质量的概念相似,强调心理上生活水平对人们的意义,Pavot
1、精品文档SatisfactionWithLifeScale(Pavot&Diener,1993)Belowarefivestatementsthatyoumayagreeordisagreewith.Usingthe1-7scalebelow,indicateyouragreementwitheachitembyplacingtheappropriatenumberonthelineprecedingthatitem.Pleasebeopenandhonestinyourresponding.?7-Stronglyagree?6-Agree?5-Slightlyagree?4-Neit ...
生活满意度量表(SWLS).doc,生活满意度量表(SWLS) Satisfaction With Life Scale (Pavot Diener, 1993) 指导语: 请细阅下列五项,并根据在旁一至七的指标,圈上适当的数字,表达你对各项的同意程度。 请以开明和诚实的态度作答。 非常不同意 不同意 少许同意 中立 少许
1、Satisfaction With Life Scale (Pavot & Diener,佃 93)Below are five statements that you may agree or disagree with. Using the 1 - 7 scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by placing the appropriate number on the line preceding that item. Please be open and honest in your ...
Pavot, W. G., Diener, E., Colvin, C. R., & Sandvik, E. (1991). Further validation of the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Evidence for the cross-method convergence of well-being measures. Journal of Personality Assessment, 57, 149-161.The structure of subjective well-being has been ...
Schumacher, J. (2003). SWLS - Satisfaction with Life Scale. Available at: http://www.joerg-schumacher.net/ swlsjnfo.pdfSchumacher, J. (2003). SWLS - Satisfaction with life scale. In J. Schumacher, A. Klaiberg, & E. Braehler (Eds.), Diagnostische Verfahren zu Lebensqualitat und ...
This study explores the subjective well-being (SWB) of Chinese landless peasants using two scales, namely, the positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS) and the satisfaction with life scale (SWLS). A total of 1,236 landless peasants from three relatively developed cities (Nanjing, Yangzhou,...