A 如果switchover_status为TO_PRIMARY 说明标记恢复可以直接转换为primary库 SQL>alter database commit to switchover to primary B 如果switchover_status为SESSION ACTIVE 就应该断开活动会话 SQL>alter database commit to switchover to primary with session shutdown; C 如果switchover_status为NOT ALLOWED 说明...
TO LOGICAL STANDBY 主数据库已经收到了来自逻辑备用数据库的完整的字典 TO PRIMARY 该备用数据库可以转换为主数据库 TO STANDBY 该主数据库可以转换为备用数据库 分类:数据库| 标签:dataguard、dg| 相关日志 DG两个数据库SID不同 DG-Dgmgrl DG-产生ORA-10458错误 ...
SQL>alter database commit to switchover to physical standby with session shutdown; 在備庫中操作,檢視備庫 SQL> select switchover_status from v$database; A 如果switchover_status為TO_PRIMARY 說明標記恢復可以直接轉換為primary庫 SQL>alter database commit to switchover to primary B 如果switchover_st...
SWITCHOVER_STATUS 的狀態已經變為了 TO PRIMARY 第三步、關閉原primary庫,並啟動到mount狀態 SQL> shutdown immediate; ORA-01507: database not mounted ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> SQL> startup mount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 167772160 bytes Fixed Size 1218316 bytes Variable...
TO STANDBY –This is a primary database, with no active sessions, that is allowed to switch over to a standby database. RECOVERY NEEDED –This is a standby database that has not received the switchover request. 解决: SQL>selectname,database_role,switchover_statusfromv$database; ...
SWITCHOVERLATENT-Onaphysicalstandbydatabase,thisstatusindicatesthataswitchoverrequestwaspending,buttheoriginalprimarydatabasehasbeenswitchedbacktotheprimaryrole. TOPRIMARY-Thedatabaseisreadytoswitchtotheprimaryrole. TOSTANDBY-Thedatabaseisreadytoswitchtoeitherthephysicalorlogicalstandbyrole. TOLOGICALSTANDBY-Thedata...
DGMGRL> switchover to prodcdb; DGMGRL> switchover to prodcdb; Performing switchover NOW, please wait... Operation requires a connection to database "prodcdb" Connecting ... Connected to "prodcdb" Connected as SYSDBA. New primary database "prodcdb" is opening... ...
FAILED DESTINATION PRIMARY 查看主库和备库的log_archivie_dest_1和log_archivie_dest_2:主库(...
and after starting it back up it and after a few hours I checked the status. Everything appears to be caught up with redo applying and all archive redo logs transferred to the physical standby database. The following query shows a status of RESOLVABLE GAP (que...
ARC2: Archival destination is a Primary RAC instance: 'tnsslave'ARC0: Archival destination is a Primary RAC instance: 'tnsslave'Tue Dec 21 20:14:37 2021Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 7093 (LGWR switch) Current log# 1 seq# 7093 mem# 0: /home/db/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo01....