Force-quit is launched by clicking on the Apple menu in the upper-left-hand corner of the screen, or by pressing Opt+Cmd+Esc, selecting the application, and then "force-quit." Users can also get an overview of running processes and stop or kill them from the Activity Monitor. It is ...
In this work, the aspect ratio of the catenary riser model is increased to about 360 and the range of the gas-liquid flow rate ratio is further broadened to be from 1.0 to 4.5 to involve higher excitation modes. The space-time varying responses and a mode switching phenomenon in SIV of ...
Acknowledgements This work is supported by NSF CAREER program with the Award number: 0955013, and by Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Multiscale Multidisciplinary Modeling of Electronic Materials (MSME) Collaborative Research Alliance (CRA) (Grant No. W911NF-12-2-0023, Program Manager: Dr. Meredith...
dSkincreases almost linearly from about 16 nm to 500 nm (see Fig.2c). This indicates a nontrivial role of edge confinement on thedSkin the range of disk diameters investigated, becausedSkwould otherwise remain the same whether the hosting magnetic disk is large or small...
rangedfromanArmyradarofficertooverfourdecadesasananalog-digitaldesignengineerinindustry.He heldkeydesignrolesinanumberofsignificant“firsts”inelectronicsovermorethanahalfcentury:the firstparticleacceleratortoachieveanenergyoveronebillionvolts,thefirsthigh-speedprinterinthe computer industry, the first spacecraft to...
ttohebearmyolrreinsgymthmaettirsicdael clined fbreottccmwhloiannentteehadntcehtfCsaCrtoab2moveaftnawtlhxdiegieesaOnCno/d2Cfvipataahsnxaoedins-mdCtohfoOaeltt/ehcoirpcemousmwosle-nooC.-lfeTeatcthhthuoieelmsern.–issCeToiahagfcihfstcrhboaiseogmrmanipcenecaignogntmhaibierpsoydabrlniberniniye...
—The effect of optical illumination on the resistive switching in ultrathin (~4 nm) ZrO2(Y) films with embedded single-layer Au nanoparticle arrays 2–3 nm in size is studied via tunneling atomic force microscopy. The ZrO2(Y) films with Au nanoparticles are grown by layerwise magnetron ...
To understand the large non-local response observed herein, we employed phase-field simulations (“Methods”) to model the domain switching under tip-induced mechanical force49. Since the observed non-local response occurs in the areas wherea1/a2domains dominate, we start from a quasi-stable stat...
Metal oxide-based Resistive Random-Access Memory (RRAM) exhibits multiple resistance states, arising from the activation/deactivation of a conductive filament (CF) inside a switching layer. Understanding CF formation kinetics is critical to achieving opt