Unity's ambiguity between scenes AND prefabs, are just a few of the reasons for making the switch. In addition to familiarizing ourselves with a new engine, we’ve also been updating our workflow. We are now using git for version control and Blender for ALL of the game's 3D models and...
Practices.Unity version= culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6d32ff45e0ccc69f Could not load type 'System.Web.PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute Countdown Timer in wpf Create a Command in a UserControl Create a custom contorl like DataGrid in WPF Create a simple wpf trigger on one object tha...
Photoexcitation creates an electronic metal-to-ligand charge- transfer (MLCT) state, which rapidly decays to a metastable 5T2g high spin state (HS, S ¼ 2) with unity quantum yield10. The population of antibonding eg orbitals in the HS state changes the Fe-N equilibrium distances to rB2.2...
As shown in Figure 12a,b, analog-type transition was recorded and resistance of the synaptic device decreased with the cumulative pulse time. Initially, the resistance was not affected by the increasing number of pulses. This phenomenon can be linked to the stochastic character of the formation ...
Given the fact that the models discussed in this section seem to all have their downsides, we will test two principles more recently proposed by González Vilbazo [1], for which little research has been done so far. These principles are presented in more detail in the next section. 1.3. ...