freeswitch 修改switch_r_sdp ns修改 NS或者是DNS指域名的解析服务器,因为很多人也把dns和解析的记录混为一谈,所以一般用ns更明确一些。 域名通过解析服务器来解析,也就是通过专门的解析服务器来做A记录,MX记录,cname等。一般来说,注册域名的注册商都有自己的解析服务器,域名注册以后默认的解析服务器就是域名注册...
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switch_r_sdp switch_r_sdp Created by Ryan Harris, last modified on 2018.02.07 switch_r_sdp string readonly This variable holds the remote SDP for the current leg/channel. Usage Don't add a carriage return after"set">or you'll end up writing a variable with a different name, ...
> I am trying to use switch_r_sdp to rewrite the SDP. > The problem I am facing has to do with the way of doing it. > > Let's say I have: > > v=0 > o=- 1258463684 1258463684 IN IP4 > s=Opal SIP Session ...