Download Switch Roms: eShop NSP XCI NSZ from Torrent, Mega, Google Drive, MediaFire, Uptobox and & donwload - Best Switch Roms Download
Download Nintendo Switch XCI ROM's & Games for Free, Playable on New Handheld Console and Emulators.
Download Nintendo Switch XCI ROM's & Games for Free, Playable on New Handheld Console and Emulators.
此方法适用于将nsz格式转化为nsp格式 安装和使用 1,点击以下链接下载并解压。 链接: 提取码:3pql 2,下载后,将”.switch"整个文件夹粘贴到:C:\Users\你电脑的用户名。 这里面是18.0固件的key文件,如果你需要其他的key,则更改这个文件夹里的key...
Download Nintendo Switch XCI ROM's & Games for Free NSP and XCI formats for Console and Emulators such as Yuzu, Ryujinx and more
《真三国无双7•猛将传 DX》版将完整收录《真三国无双7》及《真三国无双7:猛将传》的全部内容,本作中除了增加各式IF剧情的新章节,还会有新角色一起加入三国战场。玩家将化身为三国时代的英雄豪杰,以一夫当关万夫莫敌的姿态过关斩将,神兵利器豪迈一挥千百敌人纷纷丧胆,以无比的气势重回千年之前的三国。下载地址:...
一样的。用类比的话,nsp相当于.exe安装程序,nsz相当于.rar压缩包,.xci相当于.iso光盘镜像。东西都一样的,无本质区别。 来自Android客户端10楼2023-02-10 11:16 回复 三秒送一血 活跃吧友 5 xci是打包好的安装包方便(有些可能魔改的),nsp是基础版,nsz安装比较烦(但是游戏压缩的小),不像nsp和xci直接装...
Download Nintendo Switch XCI ROM's & Games for Free, Playable on New Handheld Console and Emulators.
Currently, the Switch only has two standard formats officially endorsed by Nintendo which are NSP (Nintendo Submission Package) and XCI (game data storage file). If you download a file with a different format, it may be a scam. So make sure you are downloading Nintendo Switch ROMs from our...