if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' # Running this action only for main branch with: # The release id to remove asset from release_id: ${{ needs.update_release_draft.outputs.Release_Id }} # The name of the asset you want to remove asset_name: PowerShellWixExtension.nupkg env: GI...
switch to main branch Verified 145a7ac switch from master to main Verified 86720d6 switch default branch to main Verified b4afeec switch to main branch Verified 2100628 switch to main branch Verified 24a0938 switch to main branch Verified a81dba9 switch to main branch Verified 2b046e3...
1. How To Switch to Main Branch in Git? In Git, the main branch typically refers to the default and often the primary long-lived branch in a Git repository. Note:The naming convention for the main branch has evolved in recent years due to discussions about inclusivity and terminology. Prev...
5# 切换到master,提示application.properties已经修改D:\WebTeam\MyBatis_Plus\mybatis_plus>git checkout master Switched to branch'master'M src/main/resources/application.properties Your branch is up todatewith'origin/master'. 此时在master分支可以看到已经修改了的application.properties文件。 执行git log可...
While Git is all aboutcommits, we humans like to think in terms ofbranches. There is a big problem with this wordbranch:we humans use it ambiguously. Sometimes, when we saybranch B, we meanone commit, found by our name B. Sometimes, when we saybranch B, we meanevery commit up to...
https://developer.aliyun.com/profile/5yerqm5bn5yqg?spm=a2c6h.12873639.0.0.6eae304abcjaIB ...
This can be a problem when you try to switch tonew-remote-only-branch. Switching local branches Now that you know how to differentiate between a local and a remote branch, let us dive into how to switch from one branch to another. ...
现代 CPU 都支持分支预测(branch prediction)和指令流水线(instruction pipeline),这两个结合可以极大...
The main index for documentation is available at: https://freeswitch.org/confluence/ Release notes: https://freeswitch.org/confluence/display/FREESWITCH/Release+Notes Install from packages Step by step tutorials to install FreeSWITCH from packages: ...
简介: Git: Cannot update paths and switch to branch 'feature' at the same time.拉取远程分支: git checkout -t origin/feature 报错如下 fatal: Cannot update paths and switch to branch 'feature' at the same time. Did you intend to checkout 'origin/feature' which can not be resolved as ...