在学习shell中测试case参数命令代码如下 #!/bin/bash #switch测试 case $1 in start) echo 'start' ;; stop) echo 'stop' ;; esac 在给当前shell脚本赋予了执行权限之后,执行报错代码如下 主要原因是switch.sh是我在Windows下通过Sublime Text编辑后,在linux系统里执行的。.sh文件的格式为dos格式。而linux只能...
esac 在给当前shell脚本赋予了执行权限之后,执行报错代码如下 1 2 [root@localhost sh]# ./switch.sh stop -bash: ./switch.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory 主要原因是switch.sh是我在Windows下通过Sublime Text编辑后,在linux系统里执行的。.sh文件的格式为dos格式。而linux...
#!/bin/bash#switch测试case$1in start)echo'start';;stop)echo'stop';;esac 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 在给当前shell脚本赋予了执行权限之后,执行报错代码如下 [root@localhost sh]# ./switch.sh stop -bash: ./switch.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or director...
Zsh replaced Bash as macOS's defaultterminal shellin macOS Catalina. While Zsh is in many ways superior to Bash, thanks to its floating-point support, hashdata structures, customization options, etc., there are still use cases where Bash may prove helpful in the macOS terminal. This article t...
當初玩 Mac 從一開始很痛苦的 bash ,到了換了好像超好用的 fish (friendly interactive shell) 可以參考一下 [TIL] Note: about change your shell from bash to fish. 當然,之後也有想要換到 zsh 參考這篇 [TIL] Change fish shell theme with nerd font但是又遲遲不敢換. ...
以下是可以用于显示 FreeSWITCH 用户帐户的 shell 脚本代码片段: #!/bin/bash # Login to fs_cli fs_cli -p 8021 # Show all user accounts show users # Show specific user account show user <username> ## 如何从 fs_cli 显示 freeswitch 用户帐户 ### 简介在 FreeSWITCH 中,用户帐户是用来管理用...
switch (expression) { case constant1: // code to be executed if expression == constant1 break; case constant2: // code to be executed if expression == constant2 break; // more cases can be added here default: // code to be executed if none of the above cases are true } ...
Bash based dead man switch bash-scriptdeadmanswitchdead-mans-switch UpdatedJul 24, 2022 Shell RothNath/deadmansw Star0 DeadMan's Switch (dmsw) is a Linux-based tool designed to secure sensitive data by automatically shredding specified directories after a defined period of inactivity by the use...
Now you know how to use the Ubuntu change language switch command using Shell-Bash. This command is very useful when you want to change the default language of your Ubuntu system. Remember to use the language pack code when installing and setting the default language....
git cherry 选择提交的一部分 - Shell-Bash (1) git clean 分支 - Shell-Bash (1) Git Clean All Submodules on Branch Switch 有时在切换git分支时,你可能需要同时清除所有子模块(submodules)中存在的未跟踪(untracked)文件。这时,可以使用如下shell脚本: ...