17.18 SWITCH Function This function dynamically generates flip toggle item. If On/Off value and label are not passed, it renders Yes/No toggle. Similar to other functions available in theAPEX_ITEMpackage, switch function is designed to generate forms with F01 to F50 form array elements. Syntax ...
Set the log switch interval for each of the logs maintained by Application Express. Syntax APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN.SET_LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL( p_log_name IN VARCHAR2, p_log_switch_after_days IN NUMBER ); Parameters Table 10-12describes the parameters available in theSET_LOG_SWITCH_INTERVALprocedure....
Syntax The basic syntax of the switch statement is to give expression to evaluate and several different statements to execute based on the value of the expression. The interpreter checks each case against the value of the expression until a match is found, if nothing matches, a default condition...