In addition toif...else, JavaScript has a feature known as aswitchstatement.switchis a type of conditional statement that will evaluate an expression against multiple possible cases and execute one or more blocks of code based on matching cases. Theswitchstatement is closely related to a conditio...
In theswitchstatement, you create differentcases(which are conditions). Starting from the top, if any of the condition is met for the score, the code for that case will be executed. Thebreakkeyword is important because, without it, JavaScript continues checking other cases down theswitchstateme...
When JavaScript reaches abreakkeyword, it breaks out of the switch block. This will stop the execution inside the switch block. It is not necessary to break the last case in a switch block. The block breaks (ends) there anyway. Note:If you omit the break statement, the next case will ...
The switch statement is used to perform different actions based on different conditions.The JavaScript Switch StatementUse the switch statement to select one of many blocks of code to be executed.Syntaxswitch(expression) { case n: code block break; case n: code block break; default: default ...
JavaScript Switch statement is used when we have a lot of variables that we want to match. In the following example we get the day of the week. We can then show something for each day of the week.
In JavaScript switch statement allows us to make a decision from the number of choices. If a match is found to a case label, the program executes the associated statement.
Because the switch statement I used is equivalent and simpler to in my script use than many "if" and "else" which could be confusing and there are too many combinations to deal with. Anyhow I tried that approach also and it does not work either. I am uploading the file for your own ...
statementsN // 当表达式的结果等于 valueN 时,则执行该代码 break; default : statements // 如果没有与表达式相同的值,则执行该代码 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. switch 语句根据表达式的值,依次与 case 子句中的值进行比较: ...
More on JavaScript switch Statement The default case is optional. It is not necessary to use the default case in JavaScript. For example, let country = "Nepal"; switch (country) { case "USA": console.log("American"); break; case "UK": console.log("British"); break; case "Japan"...
Statement 1 在循环开始之前设置变量 (var i=0)。 Statement 2 定义循环运行的条件(i 必须小于 5)。 Statement 3 在每次代码块已被执行后增加一个值 (i++)。 语句1 通常我们会使用语句 1 初始化循环中所用的变量 (var i=0)。 语句1 是可选的,也就是说不使用语句 1 也可以。