switch( c ) { case 'A': capital_a++; case 'a': letter_a++; default : total++; } All three statements of the switch body in this example are executed if c is equal to 'A', since no break statement appears before the following case. Execution control is transferred to the first ...
Only total is incremented if c is not equal to 'A' or 'a'. 复制 switch( i ) { case -1: n++; break; case 0 : z++; break; case 1 : p++; break; } In this example, a break statement follows each statement of the switch body. The break statement forces an exit from the ...
[C 语言中文开发手册switch statement (C language) - C 中文开发手册根据整数参数的值执行代码。用于需要根据整数值执行许多代码分支中的一个或多个分支的情况。句法开关(表达式)语句表达-整数类型的任何表达式(char,signed或unsigned integer或
C language reference Organization of the C language reference Elements of C Program structure Declarations and types Expressions and assignments Statements (C) Statements (C) Overview of C statements break statement (C) Compound statement (C)
Flowchart of C++ switch...case statement Example: Create a Calculator using the switch Statement // Program to build a simple calculator using switch Statement#include<iostream>usingnamespacestd;intmain(){charoper;floatnum1, num2;cout<<"Enter an operator (+, -, *, /): ";cin>> oper;cout...
The switch statement has the following syntax and execution flow diagram. Syntax - if Statement switch (key_value) { case value_1: // block of code 1 break; case value_2: // block of code 2 break; case value_3: // block of code 3 break; case value_4: // block of code 4 ...
switch(expression){ case constant-expression: statement(s); break; case constant-express...
switch statement 【计】 交换语句 switch control statement 【计】 转按控制语句, 开关控制语句 IF statement “如果”叙述一种条件叙述,叙述中指定一个要进行测试的条件并规定这个条件满足时应执行的操作。用于控制条件叙述执行的一种叙述,IF之后总是跟有THEN子句,有时还带有ELSE子句。 WITH statement 【计】 ...
An if statement with an else part selects one of the two statements to execute based on the value of a Boolean expression, as the following example shows: csharp Copy Run DisplayWeatherReport(15.0); // Output: Cold. DisplayWeatherReport(24.0); // Output: Perfect! void DisplayWeatherR...