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Egg NS Emulator is a software application designed to bring the Nintendo Switch gaming experience to Android devices, allowing users to enjoy their favorite
If you want to run ROMs on your Android device, we recommend using the Egg NS Emulator app. It is completely free and supports two file formats: NSP and XCI. With its user interface, it will help players use it easily. You can play your favorite Nintendo Switch games on your Android ...
Downloading Switch games has never been easier, just navigate to our website and get your favorite Nintendo Switch ROMs for free.
问题是之后打开相册都会有一个报错信息一闪而过(no game roms found on microsdplease copy games(xci file) to the root of your microsd card) 这个报错信息应该安装了上面那个东西导致的,虽然游戏一样正常玩,但每次打开相册都有报错信息闪一下总归是不舒服,请问怎么样能解决呢?(把那个Homebrew Menu的nsp...
我的意思是 我的这个设置里就没有mame这一项 而且我按f1键 在应用程序里 也没有叫Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator的模拟器 我是把mame的游戏包 放在了rom目录的mame目录下了 这样是对的吧 我看到roms/mame目录下还有个叫mame2023什么的目录 不知道是干什么的 3楼2025-02-17 21:34 收起回复 x...