我的文档\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition\PlayerProfiles\lucas\Savegames\Story\ 可以看到这个目录下仅有一个文件夹AutoSave_0 里面有2个文件AutoSave_0.slv和AutoSave_0.png 把switch的存档拷贝过来,改名后覆盖就行了。其实如果我在PC上顺手有保存(而不是自动保存),那么估计在PC这边...
2、Use asynchronous gpu emulation:异步GPU模拟,有效提速 ,部分游戏帧数会提高一些 3、Internal resolution:更改内部分辨率,一般原生720p即可,如果PC配置较好可以适当提高分辨率,反之则调低 4、Aspect Ratio:画面比例,默认即可 5、Background Color:游戏运行背景颜色 红色部分,改成自己喜欢的就行 Advanced高级设置里勾选...
Also I cannot add .local websites or IP addresses to the choose preffered profile for sites. 119.0.2151.93, but if you add the IP# to the Preferred Profile list (Settings -> Profiles -> Profile Preferences -> Choose preferred profile for sites) and set it to "Don't...
2、Use asynchronous gpu emulation:异步GPU模拟,有效提速 ,部分游戏帧数会提高一些 3、Internal resolution:更改内部分辨率,一般原生720p即可,如果PC配置较好可以适当提高分辨率,反之则调低 4、Aspect Ratio:画面比例,默认即可 5、Background Color:游戏运行背景颜色 红色部分,改成自己喜欢的就行 Advanced高级设置里勾选...
I work from home, so my PC is setup as mine, with a the additional profile for Work - so "local intranet sites" aren't work sites, but my router, switches, home lab etc. MS #fail
FREE Sonar Audio Software Suite provides X-Ray hearing with a Pro-grade Parametric EQ and game specific profiles to pinpoint steps and reloadsLearn More Select a Platform PC & PlayStationPlayStation & PCXbox & PC Color: White Black
Custom Profile Switch:Easily switch between profiles with the custom profile switch, tailoring your gaming experience. Multi-Device Compatibility:Versatile 8bitdo Pro 2 controller compatible with Switch, PC, MacOS, Android, and more. 8bitdo Arcade Stick For Switch|Does 8bitdo Work On Ps4|Bluetoot...
(5)odbc的rpm包 (6)odbc.ini配置文件 一、系统准备 1、创建文件夹/home/freeswitch,传入如下文件: freeswitch-1.6.17.sql mysql odbc odbc.ini 2、关闭SELINUX; (1)vim /etc/selinux/config (2)修改为:SELINUX=disabled 3、禁用ipv6: (1)指令:vi /etc/sysctl.conf ...
Choose from mental marvels worldwide, folks on your friend's list, or family members who have profiles on the same system. Outside of Ghost Clash mode, check your rankings to see how your Big Brain Brawn matches up against others. 开发商: Nintendo 开发商定位: 第一方 发行商: Nintendo ...
(5)odbc的rpm包 (6)odbc.ini配置文件 一、系统准备 1、创建文件夹/home/freeswitch,传入如下文件: freeswitch-1.6.17.sql mysql odbc odbc.ini 2、关闭SELINUX; (1)vim /etc/selinux/config (2)修改为:SELINUX=disabled 3、禁用ipv6: (1)指令:vi /etc/sysctl.conf ...