Yuzu Emulator is an open-source emulator with Yuzu Emu you can play your favorite Nintendo Switch games on Android, Windows, or Linux
yuzu安卓模拟器..目前仅支持安卓11以上系统,需要安装Google play服务,骁龙845以上更好。其他cpu未测试。具体教程在下面https://yuzu-emu.org/entry/yuzu-android/安装
Suyu, pronounced ‘sue-you,’ is the next version of the famous Yuzu Nintendo Switch emulator. Made in C++ to work smoothly across different devices, Suyu offers versions for Windows, Android, Linux, and macOS. Download Suyu Emulator
yuzu模拟器下载地址: https://github.com/yuzu-emu/yuzu-mainline/releases github网站有时候打不开,或者下载慢,搜索一下github的镜像网站,如https://cdn.githubjs.cf,将镜像网站地址替换下 https://cdn.githubjs.cf/yuzu-emu/yuzu-mainline/releases。 yuzu模拟器下载页面 选择最新的yuzu模拟器版本,windows版本,...
yuzu Version 1329 Description attempt to run any game (tested some homebrew and mario odyssey). crashes immediatly before the game window even shows up Reproduction Certainty Always System Information ystem: Host: garrett-usb Kernel: 4.9...
本吧热帖: 1-CitruS250207发布,系统需求降到Android 12 2-骁龙八至尊版驱动什么时候发布 3-CitruS 250205版本发布,解决过场动画播放卡死 4-现在 YUZU 对 AMD CPU 的支持情况怎么样? 5-CitruS首个Android版本发布 6-重要通知!重要通知!重要通知! 7-置顶资源求助帖 8-yu
SwitchEmuModDownloader - A Cross-Platform One-Click Games Mod Downloader for Switch emulators. Formerly YuzuModDownloader. - amakvana/SwitchEmuModDownloader
本吧热帖: 1-switch 游戏资源整合 2-各种ns模拟器资源和配置要求 3-1.25 switch游戏更新 xci合集 4-switch 资源每日更新贴 5-【XCI整合】舞力全开全系列大合集整合版 6-1.24 switch游戏更新 xci合集 7-两年了,yuzu能玩健身环了吗 8-1.23 switch游戏更新 xci合集 9-骁龙8至
This will allow for more intricate code mods, such as using ARCropolis, a mod loader for Smash Ultimate made by Raytwo and blujay.All these PRs [1], [2], [3] are part of the on-going effort to implement support for the modding framework in yuzu....