交换机在端口模式下使用了这个命令“switch(Config-Ethernet0/0/10)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 100”,但系统报错如下:“Vlan 100 does not exist”,那么接下来,该如何排除这个错误? A. 在接口模式下写入:“switchport trunk native vlan 100” B. 在全局模式下写入:“vlan 100” C. 在接口模式下写入:“...
trunk允许所有vlan流量通行 默认trunk就是允许所有 一般情况都不需要打
步骤1: 进入到一组需要添加到VLAN的端口中 - Swtich (config)#interface range interface-range 步骤2: 将端口模式设置为接入端口 - Switch (config-range-if)#switchport mode access 步骤3: 将一组端口划分到指定VLAN - Switch (config-range-if)#swtichport access vlan vlan-id 配置trunk 步骤1: 进入需要...
Switch(config-if-range)#switchport access vlan 100 %设置端口为access模式,绑定vlan100 Switch(config-if-range)#exit 设置汇聚口 Switch(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/1 Switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,100 %设置端口为trunk模式,允...
9、ig-if)#switchport mode trunk SwB(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan allSwB(config-if)#exitSwB(config)#如此,简单的交换机之间VLAN互访已经配置完成;测试如下:测试已通过。配置的trunk可以使用show interface trunk命令查看配置情况Vlan删除命令:Switch#vlan database /进图vlan配置模式% Warning: It ...
Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 2 #不允许vlan 2 通过 Switch(config-if)#no switchport trunk allowed vlan #允许所有VLAN通过 3.3 配置VTP DOMAIN VTP DOMAIN 称为管理域, 交换机VTP更新信息的所有交换机必须配置为相同的管理域。如果所有的交换机都以中继线相连,那么只要在核心交换机上...
Switch port mode trunk allowed vlan add all (trunk 10端口允许全部三个vlan的数据均能通过) 主机1: ip : Gateway :特别注意此处网关必须为三层交换机vlan 2的ip !!!,不能设置成其上的二层交换机”dell 5424”的vlan 2的ip( !!!,因为二层交换机不能进行路由转发...
switch port trunk alllowed vlan x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x, After permitting 10 vlan through trunk allowed vlan and then when I do show vlan brief on the access switch , I should see only the 10 vlan whcih I have permiited right ? Thanks in advance I have this problem too Labels: ...
The port trunk allow-pass vlan command adds a trunk interface to the specified VLANs. The undo port trunk allow-pass vlan command deletes a trunk interface from the specified VLANs. By default, a trunk interface is in VLAN 1. Format port trunk allow-pass vlan { { vlan-id1 [ to vlan...
SwA(config-if)#switchport trunk allow vlan all//允许所有vlan通过 SwA(config-if)#end %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console SwA# SwB的配置: SwB(config)#int f0/10 SwB(config-if)#switchport mode trunk SwB(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan all ...