I want to change my boss' mind, but he won't listen. I want to change the way we operate around here, but there are too many obstacles. I want to make some changes in my life, but I'm scared they might not work out. All too often our desire to improve things is undermined by...
sociology, and other fields to shed new light on how we can effect transformative change. Switch shows that successful changes follow a pattern, a pattern you can use to make the changes that matter to you, whether your interest is in changing the world or changing...
(2010). Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. New York, NY: Broadway Books.Heath, Chip, and Dan Heath. 2010. Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. New York: Random House Business.Heath C, Heath D. Switch: How to change things when change is hard. New ...
1) 克拉姆与兰格两位学者将女服务员体重下降归因于“安慰剂效应”。研究人员认为体重下降是由于女服务员意识到自己的日常运动量,而不是因为女服务员的行为发生了改变。女服务员体重减轻的实验比较接近于洗车店积分活动。一部分女服务员拿到的是已经盖了两个章的积分卡,她们惊讶地发现自己原来一直在做运动,她们已经朝...
switchhowtochangethingswhenishard在改变的时候如何改变事物 系统标签: changeswitchhardthings事物rider SSSWWWIIITTTCCCHHHPrinciples ArtsandCulturePugetSound ©2010BasedonSwitch:HowtoChangeThingsWhenChangeisHardbyChipHeathandDanHeath DirecttheRiderFollowtheBrightSpots.Changeisoftendifficultbecauseyoudon’tkn...
[基金申请] 10年来货币购买力下降,但国家面上基金单项额度却未涨反降,影响了工科面上项目的科研 +4 sjtu2012 2024-12-14 7/350 2024-12-15 18:12 by icefireice [考研] 华南农大还是华中农大 +4 壹加一℃ 2024-12-13 4/200 2024-12-15 16:36 by 啄木鸟、 [论文投稿] 期刊投稿 +3 旭必上岸...
行为设计学:零成本改变 Switch: How to Chang Things When Change is Hard读书笔记(1/12) 最旺的仔 资深职场人士,常常在理想与现实中摇摆1 人赞同了该文章 [美]奇普·希思 丹·希思著 北京:中信出版社,2018.10 ISBN:978-7-5086-9025-4 前言 关于改变,你所不知道的三个事实 容器越大=食量越大 1. ...
行为设计学:零成本改变 Switch: How to Chang Things When Change is Hard读书笔记(5/12) 第二部分 激励大象 第四章 找到感觉 塔吉特传奇:用视觉展示改变一切 1. 1992年,塔吉特(Target)与竞争对手凯马特(Kmart,市值达90亿美元)和沃尔玛(市值达300亿美元)比起来,只能算无足轻重的小角色。不过,塔吉特一心...
行为设计学:零成本改变 Switch: How to Chang Things When Change is Hard读书笔记(2/12) 第一部分 拓宽选择空间 第一章 阻碍有效决策的四大思维陷阱 思维陷阱1:思维狭隘 1. 希望实验室(HopeLab)的研发副总裁史蒂夫·科尔(Steve Cole)和他的实验室团队因为一个重要的项目,需要找合作伙伴来协助设计一种便携式...
Switch: how to change things when change is hard. Broadway Books, New York.Heath, C., & Heath, D. (2010). Switch: How to change things when change is hard. New York, NY: Broadway.Heath, C. and Heath D. "Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard", Crown Henrich et al...