方法:进入Hekate界面,点击右下角的【重载-重启-关机】中的重启选项,选择官方系统(即我说的OFW,offical firmware) 汉化后的版本-建议使用英文原版 点击OFW-官方系统 那么它会自动加载进入正版系统,并正常运行,所以正版系统不会受到影响,我所说的两种方法均可以使用,看您心情! 关于虚拟系统,傻瓜的办法也有人介绍过,...
先去hekate里面的Tools > Backup eMMc > eMMC BOOT0 & BOOT1,然后拔出SD卡,连接电脑提取备份出来的BOOT0 & BOOT1文件。复制粘贴到故障机器的SD卡(也是新卡)的备份文件夹下的Restore文件夹中。 错误,pkg2 decryption failed! pkg1/pkg2 mismatch or old hekate!Failed to launch HOS! 所有已知的...
Hekate引导页右上Options->Auto Boot OFF->选择要默认进入的系统->Auto Boot ON->点底部Save Options保存即可。 禁用开机直接进入破解系统流程 如按住音量+(不灵就试试音量-)后,点按电源键后直接进入系统;如无法进入Hekate引导页,则启动后按住音量-。
hekate介面找tools选backup再选boot0&boot1备份 备份完在SD卡根目录下会有backup/xxxxxxxx/ 在那个八位数xxxxxxxx的资料夹内新增一个资料夹叫做"restore" 再把干净的boot丢入"restore资料夹"内 也就是backup/xxxxxxxx/restore/里面放干净boot 回到hekate介面 tools内选择还原在backup下面那个 Restore进去再还原boot即可解...
手机注入显示在加载…..手机注入显示在加载……就没动静了?我的注入是hekate4.5 存在手机里,TF卡里也有这bin,我看有的教程要下boot文件,不知道我安装文件有问题还是bin有问题?大神求助…
Step 8-After you install GApps, TWRP offers to wipe the cache//Dalvik. Do it as required. You can also access the following video to learn how to flash zips in TWRP: Step 9-Next reboot to Hekate. Finally, boot into Android That’s it. You can now complete the initial setup and kee...
hekate has a boot storage in the binary that helps it configure it outside of BPMP enviroment: Offset / NameDescription '0x94' boot_cfgbit0:Force AutoBoot, bit1:Show launch log, bit2:Boot from ID, bit3:Boot to emuMMC. '0x95' autobootIfForce AutoBoot, 0: Force go to menu, else bo...
Edit 2: Is it possible, that this has anything to do with the warmboot_mariko folder? It looks strange to me, that my console does not awake anymore, after it went into standby/sleep mode, when I am on hekate 6.0.2. And, as I said, this behaviour is since I upgraded my ofw fro...
Dirty flash wont work, you need to wipe and repartition in hekate I did. I unzipped hikati and rom. Just moved everything else. Sd card is class 1 64 gb formatted into fat 32 followed instructions within hikati. First time I tried it said flash successful but wouldn't boot into twr...
enters the hekate interface, selects tools, backup, then backup the first boot0 / 1 and the third sys. After the backup, the backup file will be in the backup folder of the SD card. And once you encounter difficult problems you will be able to choose the restore option to restore the...