Hekate引导页右上Options->Auto Boot OFF->选择要默认进入的系统->Auto Boot ON->点底部Save Options保存即可。 禁用开机直接进入破解系统流程 如按住音量+(不灵就试试音量-)后,点按电源键后直接进入系统;如无法进入Hekate引导页,则启动后按住音量-。
hekate介面找tools选backup再选boot0&boot1备份 备份完在SD卡根目录下会有backup/xxxxxxxx/ 在那个八位数xxxxxxxx的资料夹内新增一个资料夹叫做"restore" 再把干净的boot丢入"restore资料夹"内 也就是backup/xxxxxxxx/restore/里面放干净boot 回到hekate介面 tools内选择还原在backup下面那个 Restore进去再还原boot即可解...
方法:进入Hekate界面,点击右下角的【重载-重启-关机】中的重启选项,选择官方系统(即我说的OFW,offical firmware) 汉化后的版本-建议使用英文原版 点击OFW-官方系统 那么它会自动加载进入正版系统,并正常运行,所以正版系统不会受到影响,我所说的两种方法均可以使用,看您心情! 关于虚拟系统,傻瓜的办法也有人介绍过,...
手机注入显示在加载…..手机注入显示在加载……就没动静了?我的注入是hekate4.5 存在手机里,TF卡里也有这bin,我看有的教程要下boot文件,不知道我安装文件有问题还是bin有问题?大神求助…
bootloader Main folder. |__ bootlogo.bmp It is used when custom is on and no logopath found. Can be skipped. |__ hekate_ipl.ini Main bootloader configuration and boot entries. |__ patches.ini Add external patches. If not found patches_template.ini will be loaded. Can be skipped. |_...
bootloaderMain folder. |__ bootlogo.bmpIt is used when custom is on and no logopath found. Can be skipped. |__ hekate_ipl.iniMain bootloader configuration and boot entries. |__ patches.iniAdd external patches. Can be skipped |__ update.binIf newer, it is loaded at boot. For modchip...
提取码:good 2.具体操作方法: (1)用数据线连接主机,主机开机,进入到hekate界面(也可以用内存卡和读卡器组合,都行,采用这种方法直接跳到第三步就行) (2)点击工具---USB工具---SD卡 (3)打开我的电脑,找到自己的U盘 (3)下载前面百度网盘里面的文件,解压,再把解压后的全部文件都复制粘贴到存储卡里面,如果提示...
bootloader Main folder. |__ bootlogo.bmp It is used when custom is on and no logopath found. Can be skipped. |__ hekate_ipl.ini Main bootloader configuration and boot entries. |__ patches.ini Add external patches. Can be skipped. A template can be found here |__ update.bin If newe...
bootloader Main folder. |__ bootlogo.bmp It is used when custom is on and no logopath found. Can be skipped. |__ hekate_ipl.ini Main bootloader configuration and boot entries. |__ patches.ini Add external patches. Can be skipped. A template can be found here |__ update.bin If newe...