省了个寂寞 自组装Switch比正版贵了150加元 今日(10月14日),一位加拿大Reddit用户在任天堂Switch分区分享了自己自制Switch的经历,他在帖子中表示:“其实我已经关注任天堂Switch掌机好久了,但由于我是一个谨慎的消费者,我花了很多时间来确保自己买到的是没有任何问题的产品,在这过程中,我了解Switch主机所有存在的问题,...
The complexity of the game's myriad systems may prove intimidating for some players, but the inclusion of a co-op play and the ability to automate many of the mechanics via the 'Unchained' mode means that even complete newcomers can still enjoy the ride. Astral Chain isn't just one of ...
《FF7重生》已经偷跑 外媒提醒谨防剧透 《最终幻想7:重生》即将于2月29日发售,但目前本作似乎已经出现偷跑,据Gamespot消息,在Reddit、Tiktok 和Twitter等平台上都出现了提前泄露的截图和切片乃至剧情梗概,其中不少片段看起来都有模有样。 距离本作发售仅剩半个月左右的时间,在这里也提醒各位谨防剧透,活用屏蔽功能。
Reddit论坛上有一个叫“tomorrow”的板块,用户们每天都在里面畅想明天,最近,它的标语就是“任天堂Switch 2什么时候发布?明天!” r/tomorrow 版友们早就厌倦了舅舅党们在网上散布的形形色色的Switch新机假消息,为了对抗他们,版友们在板块内发布了各种离谱图片,伪造和恶搞Switch 2的线报:双屏幕、光驱、Game Boy小夜...
The Nintendo Switch continues to shine, and its indie game library is a big reason why. Indie games, developed by independent studios or even single developers, are often 2D with unique art styles and rich narratives. They’re made without the backing of large studios, are more affordable tha...
We hope this post explains how to use a keyboard and mouse on Nintendo Switch. If not, reach out to us wherever you feel comfortable: Discord text chat, on Facebook, or on reWASD Forum. Make sure to follow us on Pinterest, Reddit, and YouTube to keep your hand on the pulse....
The game has received great praise over the years, with some even calling it the Greatest Game Of All Time, due to its relaxing nature that allows gamers of every kind to explore the world at their own pace and never punish them for it. ...
Other claims in a post on Reddit suggest that the new Joy-Con controllers may integrate scroll wheel-style shoulder buttons.Have there been any Nintendo Switch 2 leaks?There have been no confirmed Switch 2 leaks at the time of writing, although some of the images and information purporting to...
Once the two Joy-Cons are attached, power on the Switch by pressing the power button, which is on the top left of the console. When the device powers on, you’ll need to hit a button three times in a row to unlock it. Once done, you can pick a game and start playing if you ...
I can't seem to find an online list of game keys, and requiring users to install a plugin on their PSP then type a gamekey into the interface seems like too much to ask. https://github.com/hrydgard/ppssppPSP emulator https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/blob/master/Tools/SaveTool/decrypt...