Zsh replaced Bash as macOS's defaultterminal shellin macOS Catalina. While Zsh is in many ways superior to Bash, thanks to its floating-point support, hashdata structures, customization options, etc., there are still use cases where Bash may prove helpful in the macOS terminal. This article t...
當初玩 Mac 從一開始很痛苦的 bash ,到了換了好像超好用的 fish (friendly interactive shell) 可以參考一下 [TIL] Note: about change your shell from bash to fish. 當然,之後也有想要換到 zsh 參考這篇 [TIL] Change fish shell theme with nerd font但是又遲遲不敢換. 不過今天總算發生了重要的問題....
This command will set up bash/zsh/fish completion scripts automatically. Make sure you configure your shell to load completions for installed Homebrew formulas. MacPorts (macOS) If you use MacPorts you can install like this: sudo port install kubectx apt (Debian) sudo apt install kubectx Newer...
Or run shell command directly from NeoVim:!where im-select.exe :!im-select.exe 10031.2 macOSInstallPlease install im-selectDownload URL: im-selectCheckCheck installation in bash/zsh# find binary $ which im-select # Get current im name $ im-select # Try to switch to English keyboard $ im...
pfbash(1) pfbtopfa(1) pfbtops(1) pfcat(1) pfcsh(1) pfexec(1) pfiles(1) pfksh(1) pflags(1) pfsh(1) pftcsh(1) pfzsh(1) pg(1) pgpewrap(1) pgpring(1) pgrep(1) php-config(1) php(1) phpize(1) pic2graph(1) piconv(1) pinky(1) pixz(1) pkcs11_inspect(1) pkg-...
pfbash(1) pfbtopfa(1) pfbtops(1) pfcat(1) pfcsh(1) pfexec(1) pfiles(1) pfksh(1) pflags(1) pfsh(1) pftcsh(1) pfzsh(1) pg(1) pgpewrap(1) pgpring(1) pgrep(1) php-config(1) php(1) phpize(1) pic2graph(1) piconv(1) pinky(1) pixz(1) pkcs11_inspect(1) pkg-...
在 Linux 中,常用的 shell 包括 Bash、Zsh、Ksh 等等,每种 shell 都有各自的特点和优缺点。使用 shell switch 命令可以快速切换不同的 shell,以便于用户根据自己的需求选择适合自己的 shell。 Bash 是 Linux 系统中最常用的 s 配置文件 Bash 提高工作效率 原创 面壁者2号 6月前 239阅读 linux marvell ...
This command will set up bash/zsh/fish completion scripts automatically. If you like to add context/namespace info to your shell prompt ($PS1), I recommend trying out kube-ps1. MacPorts If you use MacPorts you can install like this: sudo port install kubectx Linux Since kubectx/kubens ...
in the .bashrc/.zsh) via: $ source /usr/local/bin/switch.sh Option 2 - Homebrew Install both the switcher tool and the switch script with homebrew. $ brew install danielfoehrkn/switch/switch Source the switch script from the homebrew installation path. $ source /usr/local/Cellar/switch...
pfbash(1) pfbtopfa(1) pfbtops(1) pfcat(1) pfcsh(1) pfexec(1) pfiles(1) pfksh(1) pflags(1) pfsh(1) pftcsh(1) pfzsh(1) pg(1) pgpewrap(1) pgpring(1) pgrep(1) php-config(1) php(1) phpize(1) pic2graph(1) piconv(1) pinky(1) pixz(1) pkcs11_inspect(1) pkg-...