If you are still facing the issue, the following are some tips and tricks that you can try to reconnect and switch from working offline to working online in Outlook: Reset the Work Offline status:Resetting the work offline mode is a way of establishing a connection with your email accou...
1.在Outlook 2010和2013中,单击发送/接收标签,然后点击离线办公按钮。 看截图: 然后,您可以在Outlook状态栏中看到状态已更改。 备注:要启用“脱机工作”功能,只需按照上述步骤突出显示即可。 最佳办公生产力工具 最新消息:Kutools for Outlook 发布免费版本! 体验全新的 Kutools for Outlook免费版本拥有 70 多项令人...
Summary:MS Outlook provides an option to work offline when you configure an IMAP, Outlook.com, or Microsoft Exchange server account. Users can use the option to switch from work offline to work online based on their needs. Sometimes, due to sync error, disabled Outlook profile, or damage to...
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在新Outlook 中打开或关闭脱机访问 在新的 Outlook for Windows 中,脱机默认处于打开状态。 若要将其关闭或打开,请执行以下作: 选择“设置”>“常规>脱机”。 选择切换“启用脱机电子邮件、日历和人员”以打开或关闭脱机访问。 选择“保存”。 有关在新 Outlook 中脱...
SwitchOff 免费 获取 屏幕截图 其他信息 发布者 Andrew's App 版权 Andrew's App 开发者 Andrew's App 发布日期 2014/6/19 近似大小 478.06 KB 年龄分级 适合3 岁及以上人士 类别 拼图与趣味 此应用的功能 访问Internet 连接 权限信息 安装 在登录 Microsoft 帐户后获取此应用,并安装到最多 10 台 Windows ...
Administrator dismounts a database for offline database maintenance.Outage until repaired.None.Dismounted.SuspendedAdministrator completes the actions.Active and passive database copies are diverged. Administrator must suspend copies. Storage area network (SAN), disk, or storage controller failure.Short out...
Administrator dismounts a database for offline database maintenance.Outage until repaired.None.Dismounted.SuspendedAdministrator completes the actions.Active and passive database copies are diverged. Administrator must suspend copies. Storage area network (SAN), disk, or storage controller failure.Short out...
OnlineStatusOffline OnlineStatusPresenting OnlineStatusUnknown OnPremisesDatabase 不透明Background 開放式 OpenAPI OpenAttachment OpenDocumentFromCollection OpenDocumentGroup OpenFile OpenFileDialog OpenFolder OpenInvokeTable OpenLink OpenLocalGitRepo OpenPerformanceResult OpenProjectFolder OpenQuery OpenTopic OpenVirtualE...
Administrator dismounts a database for offline database maintenance. Outage until repaired. None. Dismounted. Suspended Administrator completes the actions. Active and passive database copies are diverged. Administrator must suspend copies. Storage area network (SAN), disk, or storage controller failure...