The easiest way to switch between Mac and Windows in Bootcamp is by pressing the Option key on your keyboard. In other words, you can restart your Mac computer while pressing and holding the Option key until it shows two options. From there, you can choose between Windows and Mac. How do...
It previously had Windows 11 too via bootcamp but I had formatted that partition and got rid of it. I am currently trying to format my iMac and perform a clean install of Ventura. I have successfully done this on my other macs via the recovery mode so I am familiar with the normal pro...
Arod, 10 May 2021now the macs are having a come back thanks to the powerful m1 chip pretty sure the iPad pro i... moreThey havent won anything lmao. Actually, they lost more customers because losing Bootcamp was a big blow for a lot of people. Reply ? Anonymous xq5 10 May 2021 ...
去年关闭了Nvidia驱动的大门,只接受AMD显卡,事实上宣告了几乎所有的游戏本都和黑苹果无缘了,但是因为CPU还是X86,靠bootcamp加外置Nvidia显卡还可以维持,但是CPU也改了,这就和游戏世界分离了。 主机世界,除了switch之外,已经是X86的天下,游戏厂商没有什么动力去专门跟进arm。Arm mac能收获的,不过是iphone和ipad上的app...
Arod, 10 May 2021now the macs are having a come back thanks to the powerful ... moreThey havent won anything lmao. Actually, they lost more customers because losing Bootcamp was a big blow for a lot of people. ReplyADVERTISEMENT ? Anonymous xq5 10 May 2021 Wow innovation fanboys will ...