flow control(on/off) 这个是流控开关.在网络发生阻塞的情况下才用的上,阻塞发生后像对端设备发送报文,对方设备将减少发送报文速率。speed&duplex 这是端口的速率,可调为10M、100M、1000M(如果你交换机是千兆的话)duplex是双工模式。一般这两个是不用调的,自适应就行。在设置了speed之后还需要设...
switch流控(flow control) 大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。 半双工:在switch中又叫做背压(Back Pressure)添加链接描述。在交换机进行数据转发时,同一时间内,只能发送或者接受数据。利用冲突检测机制在端口接受数据时,抑制本端口发送。 全双工:switch可以在转发时,同时接收和发送数据。 1.pause帧 2.非对称流...
machine code中的条件控制control flow和switch语句,循环Loop 上篇写了machine code基本知识概念,这篇再总结一下其中的流控制、条件判断,循环等实现。 一段machine code引出 在machine code中,通场使用jmp指令来跳转到某个代码块。比如一个机器码可能长这样: decision:subq $8, %rsp testl %edi, %edi je .L2ca...
像其他编程语言一样,Go 支持 switch 语句。 可以使用 switch 语句来避免链接多个 if 语句。 使用 switch 语句,就不需维护和读取包含多个 if 语句的代码。 这些语句还可以让复杂的条件更易于构造。 请参阅以下部分的 switch 语句。基本switch 语法像if 语句一样,switch 条件不需要括号。 最简单形式的 switch 语句...
2. 关掉:swelled head 骄傲自大 | switch off 关掉 | swith majors 转系 3. (用开关)关掉:1534. sweep off 拂去;大量清除 | 1535. switch off (用开关)关掉 | 1536. switch on (用开关)开启 switch off 双语例句 1. Duplex(DT2-4), simplex selective control, re-leveling, door re-opening, home...
The flow-control command configures the flow control mode. The undo flow-control command restores the default flow control mode. The default flow control mode is none, that is, flow control is disabled. Format flow-control { hardware | none | software } undo flow-control Parameters Paramet...
Do not configure flow control and flow control auto-negotiation on the same interface at the same time. Perform the same configuration on the local and remote interfaces. If both the local and remote interfaces support auto-negotiation, you are advised to configure flow control auto-negotiation on...
To configure flow control on an interface, use the flowcontrol receive command in interface switch configuration mode. To disable flow control, use the no form of this command. flowcontrol receive { on | off} no flowcontrol receive Syntax Description on Enables flow contr...
IEEE STD 1475-1999 IEEE STANDARD FOR THE FUNCTIONING OF AND INTERFACES AMONG PROPULSION, FRICTION BRAKE, AND TRAIN-BORNE MASTER CONTROL ON RAIL RAPID TRANSIT VEHICLES 热度: 【液压精品培训资料】派克:流量控制 flow control 节流阀 调速阀 热度: flow control application on a submerged inlet ...
Flow switches help maintain safe and manageable rates of flow by triggering actions in various machines within a system to provide on/off flow control.