Tag VLAN 遵循IEEE802.1Q 协议的标准,在使用配置了 Tag VLAN 的端口进行数据传输时,需要在数据帧内添加 4 个字节的 8021.Q 标签信息,用于标示该数据帧属于哪个 VLAN,便于对端交换机接收到数据帧后进行准确的过滤。 新建Packet Tracer 拓扑图; 划分VLAN; 将端口划分到相应 VLAN 中; 设置Tag VLAN Trunk 属性; ...
Hello, I am praticing basic command by Packet Tracer and have problem with adding port name/ description on the switch. Q: I want to label the port name of f0/1 as "Trunk". I have already added the description command. But, the Name column on "sh int status" is still empty. I h...
在链路中增加了Trace/ EnqT、Trace/ DeqT、Trace/ DrpT以及Tracer/ RecvT等对象可以跟踪每个数据包到达、进入、离开队列以及被丢弃的时间;还可以用队列监视器(Queue Monitor) 来监测队列长度和平均队长的变化情况。 (4) 代理(Agent) :负载网络层分组的产生和接收,也可以用在各个层次的协议实现中。Agent 类包含源...
Allez dans le CLI de votre switch sous Cisco Packet Tracer. Vous pouvez voir que le switch CISCO dispose aussi d’une interface. En fait, c’est exactement la même que celle du routeur. La seule différence se situe au niveau des fonctions qui sont différentes pour le r...
github.com/google/gopacket v1.1.19 h1:ves8RnFZPGiFnTS0uPQStjwru6uO6h+nlr9j6fL7kF8= github.com/google/gopacket v1.1.19/go.mod h1:iJ8V8n6KS+z2U1A8pUwu8bW5SyEMkXJB8Yo/Vo+TKTo= github.com/google/pprof v0.0.0-20240727154555-813a5fbdbec8 h1:FKHo8hFI3A+7w0aUQuYXQ+6EN5stWmeY/...
拓扑图 使用的是Boson 6模拟器 需要破解版的朋友可以联系我 具体配置: sw1Switch>enSwitch#conf tEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.Switch(config)#host sw1sw1(config)#in cisco 职场 vtp 休闲 原创 allen_yu 2009-02-09 16:20:32 ...
De meeste switches hebben een manier om de pakketten en fouten op een poort of interface te traceren. De meest gangbare opdrachten die worden gebruikt om dit type informatie te vinden, worden beschreven in de sectie Veelgebruikte opdrachten voor troubleshooten van poort en interface in Cisco...
First of all, packet-tracer is for use when simulating a packet passing through the ASA and not to the ASA itself. So this will show as a drop no matter what. As for ping being unsuccessful, you have configured the switch port to be a trunk port while the ASA interace is a ...
并不用担心配置文件丢失,如果你输入delete flash:confi.text那么你将不幸了,原有配置信息将丢失 7、键入boot,重启OK 8、键入en ,嘿,不需要密码了 9、改回原有的配置文件信息,rename flash:config.old flash:config.text 10、改密码conf t en pas cisco 11、wri mem保存 ...
VM Tracer Integration * Not currently supported in EOS Arista 7050X3 Series Introduction Highly dynamic data center networks continue to evolve with the introduction of new protocols and server technologies such as containers bringing with them ever increasing bandwidth demands, accelerating the need for...