The documentation provided by Cisco states that the default password is simply cisco and that a username is unnecessary. Needless to say, it doesn't work. I've also Googled for other default passwords (such as cisco-cisco as the username-password), none of which worked either. I've ...
1、Cisco 路由器(Router)和交换机(Switch)命令详解2010年06月25日 星期五 14:20Cisco路由器交换机配置命令详解 1. 交换机支持的命令: 交换机基本状态: switch: ;ROM状态, 路由器是rommon> hostname> ;用户模式 hostname# ;特权模式 hostname(config)# ;全局配置模式 hostname(config-if)# ;接口状态 交换...
Cisco devices use privilege levels to provide password security for different levels of switch operation. By default, the Cisco IOS software operates in two modes (privilege levels) of password security: user EXEC (Level 1) and privileged...
2ceng(config-if)#exit //退出到全局配置模式 2ceng(config)#enable secret cisco //设置加密的特权密码cisco 2ceng(config)#line vty 0 4 // VTY是路由器的远程登陆的虚拟端口,0 4表示可以同时打开5个会话,line vty 04是进入VTY端口,对VTY端口进行配置,比如说配置密码 2ceng(config-line)#password telnet ...
aptech2950(conf)# enable password cisco 5:配置使能密码 enable secret ciscolab 以 cicsolab 为例 switch> enable switch#c onfigure terminal switch(conf)#hostname aptch2950 aptech2950(conf)# enable secret ciscolab 6:创建多个vlan 1、创建多个VLAN ...
Configure Password Complexity Settings Configure Password Aging Settings Configure Basic Password Settings Step 1. Log in to the switch console. The default username and password iscisco. Note:The available commands or options may vary depending ...
【原创】Cisco Catalyst 9300, 9200, 3650, 3850等 Switch密码恢复 Rps-Cheers VIP 选项 发布时间03-28-202007:51 PM Console到设备上,在设备启动过程中,按住Mode按钮10-12秒左右,然后进入Boot loader Switch: Switch:SWITCH_IGNORE_STARTUP_CFG=1 ...
SA(vlan)#vtp password cisco //设置域密码 SA(vlan)#vtp server //设置交换机VTP工作模式,此处是server模式,可以创建VLAN。不同的交换机此处命令稍有不同。 SA(vlan)#vtp purning //启用vlan修剪 SA(config)#vlan database //进入VLAN配置模式
switch(config)# enable password level 1 password 在基于CLI的交换机上设置登录口令: switch(enable) set password switch(enable) set enalbepass 3.在基于IOS的交换机上设置远程访问: switch(config)# interface vlan 1 switch(config-if)# ip address ip-address netmask switch(config-if)# ip default-gate...