Syntax. The syntax of the switch case statement is as follows: cpp. switch (variable) {。 case value1: // code to be executed if variable equals value1。 break; case value2: // code to be executed if variable equals value2。 break; ... default: // code to be executed if variable...
Syntax: switch (expression) {case value1:// code to be executed if// expression is equal to constant1;break;case value2:// code to be executed if// expression is equal to constant2;break;...default code:// code to be executed if// expression doesn't match any constantbreak;} Here...
A switch case is used test variable equality for a list of values, where each value is a case. When the variable is equal to one of the cases, the statements following the case are executed. A break statement ends the switch case. The optional default ca
switch(x){ case1: printf("Choice is 1"); break; case2: printf("Choice is 2"); break; case3: printf("Choice is 3"); break; default: printf("Choice other than 1, 2 and 3"); break; } return0; } C++ 实现 // C++ program to demonstrate syntax of switch #include<iostream> usin...
Syntax - Modifiedswitch-case: switch(variable / expression){case constant-expression 1:statements;break; (optional)case constant-expression 2:statements;break; (optional)default: //default statment optionalstatements;break;} Thebreakkeyword is utilized to stop the execution of the switch block and com...
syntaxswingpackagesjspjdbcfunctionsinheritancecollectionsthreadingappletconstructoroperatorsswitch-caseinterfacesswing-guiexception-handlingserveletbasic-synchronizationclass-objectwrapper-class UpdatedFeb 2, 2021 Java some basic concepts of C++ patternscppfunctionsstructurestlinterviewarraysdata-typesswitch-casevariablesif-...
switch (1) { case 1: cout << '1'; // 打印 "1" break; // 然后退出 switch case 2: cout << '2'; break; }编译器可能在发生直落(抵达下个 case 标号而没有无 break)时发布警告,除非属性 [[fallthrough]] 紧接该标号之前出现以指示该直落是有意的。 如果使用 初始化语句,那么 switch 语句...
they insisted on a "break" in every case to make the semantics clearer. Then, the only decision was how to designate cases that should be executed for multiple values. Should they stay with the C syntax: case "a"; case "b": case "c": doAbcCase(); break; or go with the Pascal ...
Syntaxselection-statement: switch ( init-statementoptC++17 condition ) statementinit-statement: expression-statement simple-declarationcondition: expression attribute-specifier-seqopt decl-specifier-seq declarator brace-or-equal-initializerlabeled-statement: case constant-...
The default statement is also optional in the switch statement, which is used for the default case. Let’s see the syntax for a switch statement with multiple cases. switch (Variable / Expression) { case Case_Value1: case Case_Value2: case Case_Value3: case Case_Value4: // code inside...