}console.log("Code after switch statement")// Output: Code after switch statement Run Code We haven't used adefaultcase in the program above. Moreover, the value of thecountryvariable doesn't match any of the cases in theswitchstatement. In such cases, theswitchstatement is skipped entirely...
You may have already noticed the use of break for each statement. This causes the statement to 'break out' of the switch statement and continue to the next block of code. Without the break statement additional blocks may be executed if the evaluation matches the case value. In other words ...
switch 语句是逐行执行的,当 switch 语句找到一个与之匹配的 case 子句时,不仅会执行该子句对应的代码,还会继续向后执行,直至 switch 语句结束。为了防止这种情况产生,需要在每个 case 子句的末尾使用 break 来跳出 switch 语句。 break 除了可以用来跳出 switch 语句外,还可以用来跳出循环语句(for、for in、while、...
Now we can write that as aswitchstatement. Since we’re checking a range, we will perform the operation in eachcaseto check if each expression is evaluating totruethen break out of the statement once the requirements fortruehave been satisfied. grades.js // Set the student's gradeconstgrade...
case valueN: statementsN // 当表达式的结果等于 valueN 时,则执行该代码 break; default : statements // 如果没有与表达式相同的值,则执行该代码 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. switch 语句根据表达式的值,依次与 case 子句中的值进行比较: ...
The switch statement is used to perform different actions based on different conditions.The JavaScript Switch StatementUse the switch statement to select one of many blocks of code to be executed.Syntaxswitch(expression) { case n: code block break; case n: code block break; default: default ...
JavaScript Switch Case You can use multiple if… else if statement, as in the previous chapter, to perform a multi-way branch. However, this is not always the best solution, especially when all of the branches depend on the value of a single variable. ...
switch(x) { case0: text ="Off"; break; case1: text ="On"; break; default: text ="No value found"; } Try it Yourself » Exercise? Which one is NOT a keyword in theswitchstatement? switch break continue default Submit Answer »...
The syntax for the switch statement in JavaScript is: switch(expr){casevalue1:// statements to execute when expr matches value1break;casevalue2:// statements to execute when expr matches value2break;casevalue_n:// statements to execute when expr matches value_nbreak;default:// statements to...
switch 语句会对表达式进行求值,并将表达式的值与一系列 case 子句进行匹配,一旦遇到与表达式值相匹配的第一个 case 子句后,将执行该子句后面的语句,直到遇到 break 语句为止。若没有 case 子句与表达式的值匹配,则会跳转至 switch 语句的 default 子句执行。