如果JavaScript 遇到 break 关键词,它会跳出 switch 代码块。此举将停止代码块中更多代码的执行以及 case 测试。如果找到匹配,并完成任务,则随机中断执行(break)。无需更多测试。break 能够节省大量执行时间,因为它会"忽略" switch 代码块中的其他代码的执行。
当默认值未结束时,在switch语句中使用默认值后中断在w3schools关于switch语句的教程中,它说: 如果默认值不是切换块中的最后一种情况,请记住以默认值结尾。 但是,该教程还指出: 当JavaScript到达break关键字时,它将跳出switch块。 因此,如果您在switch语句的开头具有带有break的默认值,为什么不总是执行默认值并且解释器...
The JavaScript Switch StatementUse the switch statement to select one of many blocks of code to be executed.Syntaxswitch(expression) { case n: code block break; case n: code block break; default: default code block } This is how it works:The switch expression is evaluated once. The value...
It is possible to have multiple values for each case in the switch statement:Syntax switch expression { case x,y: // code block if expression is evaluated to x or y case v,w: // code block if expression is evaluated to v or w case z: ... default: // code block if...
❮ Previous JavaScript Statements Next ❯ Example Execute a block of code based on user input: var text;var fruits = document.getElementById("myInput").value; switch(fruits) { case "Banana": text = "Banana is good!"; break; case "Orange": text = "I am not a fan of orange.";...
if you can reprogam all your game in html5/javascript so you can then switch in pure html/js mode. but if it's not the case so just follow what I said above Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply byebyeflashplayer AUTHOR Community Beg...
所以说不是自己的一定要说明来源,不然...;最后说一句,这个挺像插件wp-auto-top,姑且当做是wp- ...
switch 语句是 JavaScript 的"条件"语句的一部分,用于根据不同的条件执行不同的操作。使用 switch 选择要执行的许多代码块之一。这是长的嵌套 if/else 语句的完美解决方案。switch 语句计算表达式。然后将表达式的值与结构中每个 case 的值进行比较。如果匹配,则执行关联的代码块。
if you can reprogam all your game in html5/javascript so you can then switch in pure html/js mode. but if it's not the case so just follow what I said above Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply byebyeflashplayer AUTHOR Com...
Warning:If you omit thebreakstatement in a case that is not the last, and that case gets a match, the next case will also be executed even if the evaluation does not match the case! Example What happens if we remove thebreakstatement from case "red"?