在Java 中使用switch和case进行条件判断是非常常见的,尤其是在处理一些需要根据不同条件进行不同处理的操作时。switch语句可以将代码中的条件表达式与case语句中的常量值进行匹配,并根据匹配到的case语句进行相应的代码块执行。 以下是一个简单的例子: 代码语言:txt ...
编译时一直报错:CLICK_QUERY 和CLICK_RESET——case expressions must be constant expressions 解决问题 case后面必须跟常量,必须要常量,将上面两个变量声明为final即可。 private final int CLICK_QUERY = 1; private final int CLICK_RESET = 2; 2).下面是switch的简单写法: switch(A){ case B; } A部分中...
* JDK6,switch和case后面只能探测int * JDK7之后包括7版本在哪,switch和case后面可以探测int或String类型的数据 *8、case可以合并 * int i=10; * switch(i){ * case 1: case 2: case 3: case 10: * System.out.println("Test code"); * case 4: case 5: * System.out.println("Test coding")...
java中的switch case 2019-04-12 15:01 −原文链接: switch-case语句格式如下 switch(变量){ case 变量值1: //; break; case 变量值2: //...; break; ... case default: //...; break; } switch()变量类型只能是in... xiaoshen666 ...
Java Implementation of switch case in Lark parserswitch-caselark-parser UpdatedSep 5, 2024 Python The repo contain some practice . basically it is only practice prepose . cprogrammingprintfproblem-solvingiswitch-caselovecodebasic-programmingforloopwhile-loopdowhileloop ...
Import path import java Direct supertypes @case Stmt Indirect supertypes @exprparent @stmt @stmtparent @top ExprParent StmtParent Top Known direct subtypes ConstCase DefaultCase PatternCase Predicates getCaseIndex Gets this case’s ordinal in its switch block. getRuleExpression Gets the expression on...
case north, south, west, east } //遍历枚举 for dir in Direction.allCases { print(dir) } print(Direction.allCases.count) //获取枚举所有情况的个数 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 四、关联值 可以定义 Swift 枚举来存储任意给定类型的关联值,如果需要的话不同枚举成员关联值的类型 可以不...
import java.util.Scanner; class SwitchDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { //创建键盘录入对象 Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); //控制键盘录入数据 System.out.println("请输入一个数据(1-7):"); int week = sc.nextInt(); //3 ...
The switch statement allows us to execute one code block among many alternatives. You can do the same thing with theif...else..ifladder. However, the syntax of theswitchstatement is much easier to read and write. Syntax of switch...case ...
Validates using resource IDs in a switch statement in Android library module. Resource IDs are non final in the library projects since SDK tools r14, means that the library code cannot treat these IDs as constants. 这段话告诉我 这个id 在library module 的 switch 语句中使用 由于sdk r14版本的问...