Example 1: Simple Program Using switch...case Suppose we want to display a message based on the current day of the week. Let's look at the example below to see how we can achieve this usingswitch...case. letday =3;letactivity;switch(day) {case1:console.log("Sunday");break;case2:...
switch case语句在JavaScript中用于根据不同的条件执行不同的代码块。下面是一个简单的示例: let day = 3; let dayName; switch (day) { case 1: dayName = "Monday"; break; case 2: dayName = "Tuesday"; break; case 3: dayName = "Wednesday"; break; case 4: dayName = "Thursday"; break; ca...
switch 语句根据表达式 expr 的值,依次与 case 后表达式的值进行比较,如果相等,则执行其后的语句段,只有遇到 break 语句,或者 switch 语句结束才终止;如果不相等,则继续查找下一个 case。switch 语句包含一个可选的 default 语句,如果在前面的 case 中没有找到相等的条件,则执行 default 语句,它与 else 语句类似。
switch语句是一种多分支选择结构,它可以根据表达式的值,来选择执行不同的代码块。语法:switch…case…switch(条件表达式){ case 表达式: 语句... break; case 表达式: 语句... break; default: 语句... break;} 执行流程:在执行时,会依次将case后的表达式的值和switch后的条件...
确保你不会忘记 break 块末尾的语句,如果你不放一个 break 结尾的声明 case 块,JavaScript 将失败到下一个 case.const hero = 'Batman';let sidekick;switch (hero) { case 'Batman': sidekick = 'Robin'; // Unless there's a `break`, JavaScript will execute the next // `case` bloc...
Like an example shown above, we can use the switch statement for multiple cases making our work easier. c. Using switch to find the type let a = 5; switch (a) { case 1: a = 5; break; case 5: a = 'five'; break; case 3: a = 'V'; break; case “four”: a = 'FIVE';...
case2: todoB(); break; case3: todoC(); break; //... } 这样的代码本身也没什么,只是可读性差一些,看起来有点费劲,JavaScript虽然支持switch-case,不过有一种更好的写法值得推广: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 // JScript source code //something的值是1、2、3... ...
The basic JavaScript switch syntax: switch(expression){ case value: expression; break; case value: expression; break; default: Expression;} Following the logic of the example syntax, this sequence of events take place. The expression is evaluated ...
JavaScript Switch case: ExampleIn this example, we are using the switch case and each case executes based on the provided value.In the above example, we have used the break statement to terminate the switch case.JavaScript Switch Case Example without break...
只要找到匹配项,switch语句就会停止将expression的结果与剩余 case后面的值进行比较。switch语句类似于if...else...if语句。但它具有更易读的语法。 以下流程图说明switch语句执行流程: javascript switch 在实践中,你经常使用一个switch语句来代替一个复杂的if...else...if语句来使代码更具可读性。