零刻SEi 12 开箱图赏 ▼零刻SEi系列采用Intel处理器,包装采用了家族式的蓝白组合设计,看起来很简约,很清爽。▼SEi 12的外观设计也是零刻一贯的风格,布艺顶盖兼顾散热与颜值,整机重量一斤稍微出头,上下班揣兜里就能带着走。▼左右两侧是镂空金属网散热设计,能够保障设备在合理温度下运行。▼SEi 12的正面提供了2...
Nintendo has sued the developers of the Nintendo Switch emulator called Yuzu in US federal court, with the intent of squashing Yuzu for good.
one of the biggest questionswould have been whether Yuzu is actually circumventing Nintendo’s protections since the emulator itself does not contain Nintendo’s keys. (Yuzu is a “bring-your-own-BIOS” emulator.) But now, Nintendo and Tropic...
之后点击Install下载安装即可。 安装完成后,首次运行Yuzu会报错,这是因为没有导入Keys。 导入Keys 点击文件,Open yuzu Folder。把下载好的Keys解压放入其中,此步骤重要。 之后将模拟器关闭,再次运行Yuzu Updater.exe打开。经过上面的设置,以后每次都通过Yuzu Updater.exe运行即可保证自动将Yuzu更新到最新版。 导入游戏 ...
Switch Prod Keysis a valuable resource for those interested in Nintendo Switch emulation. It provides the latest v19.0.0 prod keys, title keys and firmware for switch emulators like yuzu, ryujinx, and Skyline. By utilizing this website users can enhance their gaming experience and enjoy their ...
另一方面,也说明在零刻SEi12的默认功耗限制上偏向于保守,牺牲了部分性能以获得办公、娱乐场景下安静的表现,不过用户完全可以通过BIOS自行调节PL,获取更高性能。 办公性能测试 ▼很多小伙伴对鲁大师多少有点不屑,那咱么就拉出来PC Mark10进行测试,PC Mark10更能反应电脑在日常办公环境中的性能,最终测试成绩为4991分,...
另一方面,也说明在零刻SEi12的默认功耗限制上偏向于保守,牺牲了部分性能以获得办公、娱乐场景下安静的表现,不过用户完全可以通过BIOS自行调节PL,获取更高性能。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 办公性能测试 ▼很多小伙伴对鲁大师多少有点不屑,那咱么就拉出来PC Mark10进行测试,PC Mark10更能反应电脑在日常办公环境中的...
In the lawsuit, which youcan read here, Nintendo claims Yuzu was primarily designed to break its encryption software for the sole purpose of playing pirated games. The company isn’t saying that Yuzu provided people with the BIOSes needed to get games to work. But it is saying that Y...
41925 switch大气层吧 biosics 求助存档导入导出,求求老哥看一下我的存档导出时,看到dbi连接电脑后有saves盘,里边的文件夹就是各个游戏的存档,就复制粘贴到电脑上了。但是想导入存档时,电脑上的文件夹却复制不到saves盘里,无法创建。求求懂的老哥看一下这些存档怎么恢复到switch里呀? 分享1赞 switch交流吧 雾中...
Apologies for being overly excited. It's just that I've been waiting for a while thinking this would never come! Anyway, back on topic, I had honestly expected Yuzu (THE major Switch emulator) to come forward with a Mac port first. This was because they alrea...