The authors thank all past and present collaborators of the Swiss SOS study group for their support. We also than Madame Marion Brun, Department of Otorhinoloaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), for the artist drawing (Fig.1). Funding The Department o...
This article reports on the new Swiss franc (Sfr) bonds sold by Kommunalbanken and Nestlé during the week of April 24, 2009. The Sfr300 million (m) December 2014 bond issued by Kommunalbanken was priced at 26 basis points (bp). Credit Suisse served as lead manager in the Kommunalbanken...
Designing protein-based biomaterials for medical applications. Acta Biomater. 2014, 10, 1542–1557. [CrossRef] 37. Silva, N.H.C.S.; Vilela, C.; Marrucho, I.M.; Freire, C.S.R.; Neto, C.P.; Silvestre, A. Protein-based materials: From sources to innovative sustainable materials for...