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"In England or certainAsian countries, you are sometimes only allowed to carry a knife if you need to have it to do your job or operate outdoors," he explained. "In the city, however, when you go to school, to the cinema, or to go shopping, carrying pocket knives is severely restric...
The makers of the Swiss Army Knife have a long history of making simple tools that actually work, so they might have a good chance of creating a smartwatch that does what it’s supposed to. Victorinox, the company that produces the iconic tool, has confirmed plans to unveil a wearable de...
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A handy Swiss-army-knife-like utility for manipulating Android Backup files (backup.ab,*.ab,*.adb) produced byadb backup,bmgr, and similar tools. Android Backup file consists of a metadata header followed by a PAX-formatted TAR file (optionally) compressed with zlib (the only compressing Andr...
While we were thus talking,Jack had been vainly endeavoring to open an oyster with his large knife."Here is a simpler way," said I,placing an oyster on the fire;it immediately opened."Now," I continued,"who will try this delicacy?" All at first hesitated to partake of them,so unattr...
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SEGY-SAKaims to be your Python Swiss Army Knife for Seismic Data. To do thisSEGY-SAKoffers two things: A friendly interface to SEG-Y standard files which leverages Xarray and lazy loading to enable the access and processing of large data. ...